Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

So when I get a chance, I'd like to just blog about different things.  I'd like baby to know about other things going on in my life as he/she is growing inside me.  I found this Ten on Tuesday list on another blog I read.  I'll post more about her on another day. 

1. How do you eat your eggs?
I don’t.  I actually have such issues with eggs that if I can taste them in cake (which I can sometimes) then the cake is nothing but garbage in my eyes!

2. Do you volunteer?
At the moment, no!  I hadn’t realized that I had stopped volunteering, but I guess I just don’t have the time or energy right now. 

3. What’s your favorite brand of jeans?
I don’t really have one.  Any pair that is big enough in the thighs and butt, but small enough in the waist is perfect for me….but hard to come by.

4. What was your child’s first word? Or what was your first word?
No child yet...
Mine was probably mamma or dada, or cumma cumma cumma cumma cumma cumma chameleon. 

5. Can you french braid?
I’m not really sure.  I have a hard time braiding my own hair, and have never tried to do someone else’s.

6. Do you prefer wide rule, college rule, or blank paper?
Blank.  If I’m taking notes I prefer to make boxes and arrows and star certain things.  I find lined paper too restricting. 

7. Is there a specific treat do you always make during the holidays?
No, but I bet some people are looking forward to my chocolate covered, double stuffed Oreos.  Now if only I had the energy to make them!

 8. Do you have a KitchenAid mixer? Do you want one?
No, and I would love one.  But I hate having lots of stuff on the counter and I already think we have too much going on on our counters. 

9. What kind of computer do you use?
A MacBook, courtesy of Boston Public Schools.

10. Favorite Christmas movie?
Prancer.  I remember going to see it with my family as a child in the Jewett City Theater and when we came out it was snowing.  Snow was not in the forecast so it was a Christmas miracle, and a story we still talk about today.  Very special!

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