Friday, June 22, 2012

The Waiting Game

I have now been on my maternity leave for a total of 27 hours and I don't know what to do with myself.  I have been attempting to do a little cleaning, a little napping, a little foot elevating, but everything is so boring!   Cleaning just gets frustrating since I can't bend over or stand up for long.  Napping is always nice, but I can only do that for so long and the same goes for my foot elevating.  I feel like I am wasting my life when I watch TV and I don't have any more books on my to read list before Baby Boy gets here.
I might pick up the 5th Harry Potter book since I left off there and I feel like I neglected Harry and his posse.  I also have considered cooking and freezing food, but I think that is unnecessary for our lifestyle.  Kiel is just as capable as I am when it comes to cooking and I know I will be able to count on him when it comes to preparing meals.  I also don't mind take out and since we rarely order out it will be a nice treat to be lazy and have pre-made meals delivered to us (or picked up by my hubby).  I know I have to clean more too, but grrrr it just makes me so frustrated when I can't clean areas that I want to (the bathtub, toilets, floors).  

So do you have any other low key ideas for keeping busy when all I am thinking about is this baby coming out of me?


  1. Yes. Do nothing :) And if you can't do nothing - do anything you think will be difficult once Baby Boy is here. Read, pre-blog, research anything you're curious about baby-wise. He'll be here soon and you'll think back to this time and say, "man I wish I had an hour to do nothing" :)

  2. By the way, my comment approval code included "38". I'm going to say that's a good sign :)

  3. If you want to continue with Harry after Baby boy arrives I have the books on CD. It's hard to hold a book and nurse at first, but audiobooks were great for me.

  4. Here are some ideas and remember to enjoy these last few days of just you & Kiel as couple, because before you know it, you will be a family of three ♥ xoM

  5. Amanda, just hang out, enjoy a few moments, rest, and before u know it he will be here! The gift of a lifetime! I wish you and Kiel all the best! Ellen
