Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Three Weeks!

(It is so hard to take his picture!  I can't wait until he can hold up his head a little bit better!)

(Here is a close up.  But he still insists on hiding the number three on his three week sticker!)
We no longer have weekly stickers.  The next one is one month (August 1).  I can't decide if I should continue with weekly photos, just no sticker, or monthly pictures so you can see more of a change.  What do you think?

Time keeps on ticking!  I can't believe how much Maddex is starting to change!  He is really getting heavier and longer.  We don't go back to the pediatrician until his two month check up on August 30th so we will have to just guess his weight (well we are weighing him with us on our scale) and length.  I can already see changes in his face and body.  His belly is HUGE!  He is quite the eater!

This week was the first week on our own.  Despite my major anxiety, I think I did a pretty good job.  I am not as good as I should be about napping with him, but I hate seeing dishes in the sink or laundry in the basket.  As I type both the sink and the basket are full and I am just letting them be for now!

Maddex has gotten very fussy and needy over the past 3-4 days.  Kiel thinks this may be the beginning of colic.  At first I wasn't convinced, but now I am beginning to see signs.  He cries incredibly hard for no reason out of no where and then stops just as quickly.  His body gets so tense and red.  His arms and legs flail around.  His fingers are clenched.  He is so gassy.  I am keeping an eye on it and might call the doctor soon.  I hate hearing him cry.  It really breaks my heart.  At this point I cannot let him "cry it out."  When he cries like this he sounds like he is in so much pain, and the thought of putting him in his crib to just cry breaks my heart.  I will NOT do that!  I always knew I would have a colicky baby.  You are only given what you can handle and I will do whatever I have to do to handle a colicky baby!

- The Weekly List -

3 Weeks Old
Total weight gain/loss:
Mom: - 43.  I was down to my prepregnancy weight a few days ago, but then my grandmother made us like 30 whoopie pies...   

Maddex: When Kiel weighed him on our scale he was 10 pounds.  I think that sounds pretty accurate.  He is really starting to get heavy!
Maternity clothes?
 I realized this week that I packed away all my non-pregnancy clothes to make room for my maternity clothes.  So all I can really wear are maternity clothes or workout clothes until I unpack the other stuff.    

Sleep: He seems to have a schedule going.  He naps for about 2 hours at a time during the day and eats every three hours.  At night from 8-4 or 5 he sleeps for 3 hours only waking to eat and falls right back to sleep.  I wish he would sleep until 7 or 8!   I wonder when he will be able to go longer without eating.  This 3 hour thing is very demanding on me! 

Best moment this week: Heading out to a few parties as a family.  Every day when Kiel came home from work!  

Miss Anything? 
Being able to leave my house alone and not feel anxious.  I want to try going out with him alone one day this week, but I am not sure if I can handle it!  I haven't driven since before I had him and he hasn't been alone in the backseat yet.  I am such a nervous mom!  

Looking forward to: Feeling more comfortable being a mom.  Not having this anxiety looming over me.  Figuring out what Maddex's cries mean!  (<---This still hasn't changed!)

-[LOVES] Baby Maddex!

-That I can be a mom
-Staring into Maddex's eyes
-Rocking Maddex to sleep
-Watching him sleep in my arms-he makes the cutest faces ever!
-Watching Kiel be a Daddy-He has been beyond amazing.  I picked the perfect husband!
-[I can't delete the above bullets since I love all of them so you will just have to read them over and over again every week!]
-That Maddex is starting to get more food from me and needs less from the bottle!
-Seeing Maddex get strong.  We love tummy time together!  
-That Maddex is starting to get on a schedule, even if it means I am up every 3 hours to feed him!
-When Maddex scrunches up his shoulders when I nurse him. It is the cutest thing ever. 
-When Maddex grunts as he searches for food.  He is ravenous!!

-Being rocked to sleep

-Peeing when Mommy forgets to cover me during a diaper change
-Listening/watching Mommy sing and sign the ABCs
-Bottles from Daddy
-Watching baseball with Daddy
-Listening to Daddy pretend cry like me
-Sleeping for long periods of time at night
-Things that vibrate me
-Walking around the house in Mommy or Daddy's arms
-Sleeping in the newborn napper feature on the Pack 'n Play
-Watching the ceiling fan
-My Red Sox binkie 
-Sleeping in the front carrier on Mommy
-Warm wipes
-Making Mommy and Daddy walk me around when I am upset
-Chilling in the swing

- Hearing Maddex cry.  

-The days are flying by.  I want time to slow down!
-When Maddex poops in a just changed diaper or while I am changing a diaper!
-His colicky cries :(
-Sleeping on a flat surface
-Everything (well at least it seems that way when I cry and Mommy and Daddy can't figure out why!)

-Pumped outside the home.  (It wasn't that bad, but I was at a friend's house)

-Birthday Party-Nate's 3rd Birthday.  I slept through most of it and when I wasn't sleeping, Mommy was feeding me inside.  

New Friends 
Great Gradma-Memere
Great Grandma-Yiayia
"Auntie" Anna
Aunt Sheryle
Uncle Dave
Aunt Gail
"Cousin" Jayden


  1. You are way better at this blogging thing than I was that early :) I love it. I say take pictures when it's manageable for you. If you think weekly works for you - keep it up. If you think monthly will give you less stress, do that. I couldn't keep up with weekly anything that early in the game. Two pieces of advice you can take or leave :) 1) They say not to let them cry it out until 3 - 4mths! We still haven't done it. It breaks my heart. 2) Do you think maybe he's reacting to something you're eating and it's not colic? I don't know the answer-- but just a thought. You're doing great mama and I'm so jealous of your weight loss! :) :)

    1. The only thing it could be is chocolate! EEEK! I hadn't had a single sweet thing since before delivery until my grandmother made those whoopie pies. I really hope chocolate is not what is causing him discomfort. If I have to give it up for the next 6 months I don't know what I would do!!

  2. Amanda,
    For me it was quantities of certain foods that seemed to influence Oliver. When I cut back my dairy (I eat a crazy amount of dairy) to just my bowl of cereal & one other small serving, that made a big difference. Just a thought-I wouldn't be able to completely forgo chocolate either!
