Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week 6 Photos (And the cutest video)

He is getting HUGE!

Passed out on Mem at the family picnic. 

He was bouncing all around in Nater's vibrating bouncy seat. 

Not happy to be at the bank with Mommy and Auntie Lauren. 

Passed out from a day out.  

The Brotherhood of the Traveling Oxford
Wearing the HMS Oxford. Oliver shared it with us and we will pass it on to the next boy born at HMS due on October 1 and he will pass it on to Jennifer's baby Due November 15th?

I turned 30 yesterday and couldn't have my usual ice cream cake, instead Angel food cake with berries. 

He looks so mini here!

This is the cutest video ever!  The cuteness doesn't really kick in until 26 seconds.  If you are ever having a bad day just watch this video, you can't help but smile and laugh!

1 comment:

  1. The dream laugh and the pics in the vibrator seat are my favorites!
    I hope you get more sleep soon. Oliver's sleep cycles are changing right now too. At this point his naps are more predictable, but he's not doing as well sleeping through the night. :( I'm hoping it changes before school starts!
