So Sunday morning I woke up feeling AWESOME. I hadn’t felt that great in weeks! So, naturally, I was freaking out. If I’m not feeling sick or extremely exhausted there must be something wrong with the baby, right? I was so nervous all day. I was looking up all sorts of things on the internet. And luckily, everything I read told me to relax and rejoice, since I must be one of the lucky ones. I tried to relax and keep myself busy and decided to take back one of my household chores and hit up the grocery store. Before I knew it the smells were too much for me to handle. The rotten meat, the steamed seafood, the PEOPLE! I had to grab everything and get out of the ASAP. For the first time in my life I was thrilled to feel like I was going to hurl all over the customer in front of me in line. Sadly, however, I got home and pretty much haven’t had a non-nauseous moment since. Yay, the baby is okay!!
- The Weekly List -
How far along? 7 Weeks 2 Days
Total weight gain/loss: About the same, about 3 pounds down
Maternity clothes? No, but I can’t wait to start shopping for them. I am getting super uncomfortable with my boobs not staying completely in my shirts!
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: I’ve been feeling stressed at work so I have been waking up around 1 or 2 a.m. and just stressing for 2-3 hours. No fun!! (How am I ever going stay awake for the midnight showing of Breaking Dawn Part 1 in two days?)
Best moment this week: While talking on the phone with my mom, hearing her get all excited when she walked into her house and see all the boxes of baby stuff she ordered had arrived.
Miss Anything? Feeling happy. I hate that this is probably THE BEST time of my life and I feel miserable all the time!
Movement: Can’t wait for this!!
Food cravings: I’ve been eating a lot of onion and pepper pizza and BLT’s. Carbs and veggies!
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smells at the grocery store.
Have you started to show yet: No. I took my first pregnancy photo last night and I intend to have it uploaded with this post. Just have a lot of bloat going on, especially during the evening hours.
Gender prediction: Still convinced it is a boy.
Labor Signs: Nopers
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still really cranky. Week 13 begins Christmas Day. I CANNOT wait for that day so I can hopefully start feeling a bit more normal.
Looking forward to: Hearing and seeing the baby!!
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