So I fell miserably behind. I knew it was bound to happen. I am NOT a blogger. I can’t believe I missed more than one full week. I have just been so painfully tired that all I can usually manage in the evenings is a nap, dinner, and then bed. I know, pretty pathetic, but waking up at 4 am is just not what my body was meant to do! Overall the past two weeks have been pretty tolerable on the nausea front. Morning sickness doesn’t exist for me. Instead, it is more like after dinner sickness. I’m thinking it is an acid reflux issue that I’ll have to discuss with my doc at the next appointment. Any suggestions for dealing with the reflux? I’m not burping, or feeling a burn, just an icky feeling high in my belly.
So my belly is definitely starting to pop. I’m trying my best to hide my “bump” at school and I think I’m doing a pretty good job. At this point I look like I’ve gained a few pounds. It doesn’t look like a baby bump, just a forward facing muffin top (my muffin top sides have actually almost disappeared since I haven’t been eating much). I hope I can keep it a secret for at least a few more weeks. I plan on telling my students just before Christmas break, after I have an ultra sound picture to show.
- The Weekly List -
How far along? 9 Weeks 2 Days
Total weight gain/loss: Loss of 3 pounds total. I have about 8 more pounds I can safely add between now and New Years Day.
Maternity clothes? No, but I got my first “donation” last week. My work pants are definitely feeling snug, which is weird since am still down about 7 pounds since the beginning of the school year.
Stretch marks? No, but sometimes it feels like my insides are stretching a bit. Not painful, just a different kind of feeling.
Sleep: Eight-ten hours a day/night, including my naps.
Best moment this week: Being able to actually cook a Thanksgiving dinner without wanting to vomit all over the place.
Miss Anything? Chocolate, Salami, feeling well rested
Movement: No...
Food cravings: Pears, clementines, salad, apple juice, mangos.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Drinking soda, eating chocolate. Yesterday I tried 2 Kisses at lunch, which caused me to break out into a cold sweat and had to mentally talk myself out of vomiting in front of my coworkers during lunch. I guess baby still does not want chocolate, even if I really do!
Have you started to show yet: Yeah a little (you can probably tell from my pic). But it still just looks like I’m stuffing my face with bon bons every night to most people.
Gender prediction: Boy. I had another dream and it was a boy again. I’m pretty convinced. (Only 2 months and 2 days till we find out for sure [hopefully]).
Labor Signs: Absolutely not!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but tired, so I’m not feeling like myself again quite yet.
Looking forward to: Having energy. Although I shouldn’t complain since the morning sickness has been very tolerable compared to what I was anticipating.
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