Monday, January 2, 2012

The First Trimester: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

I am finally into the Honeymoon Trimester of my pregnancy.  By week 14 energy levels should be returning, nausea subsiding, and I should expect to feel "normal" any day now.  Now that we are hopefully out of the danger zone, I'd like to reflect on the experiences of my first trimester. 

The Good
October 25-I had a positive (Dollar Tree) pregnancy test
October 26-My doctor confirmed that Dollar Store pregnancy tests actually work!
Sharing the news with family and friends
Planning for the year to come
Hearing the heartbeat for the first time
Seeing the baby move during the ultrasound
Seeing the baby from all angles every time I am near the fridge.  I LOVE those photos!
Having my nausea subside before I expected
Finding cute maternity clothes
Healthy food cravings

The Bad
EXHAUSTION (like nothing I have ever experienced before)
All day nausea
Sore Chest
My pants seeming to shrink everyday by 5 pm. 
The smell of everything
Not liking my favorite foods
Major nasal congestion 

The Ugly 
Middle of the night nausea
Uncontrollable indigestion
Peeing a little when I sneeze (only happened once!)
Gas pains


  1. You only took one pregnancy test? Good for you. I'm pretty sure I took 10. I was in disbelief. Thank goodness they are only a dollar.

  2. P.S. Welcome to the 2nd trimester! :)

  3. Yeah I am with you Sarah I took many too! hahaha Second trimester is so much funny! Lots of growing for the baby! Enjoy every min of it Amanda and the blog is such a great and cute idea!


  4. I pee when I sneeze quite often.... nothing wrong with that! :)

  5. My nasal congestion never went away! Try ocean mist nasal helped relieve it a bit.<3 erin

  6. I sneezed the other night. I wasn't going to tell anyone :) You're not alone, though...
