Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 18

Slowly but surely we are making our way through the pregnancy.  Things have been going well this week.  I am feeling better, except for the fact that I just can't completely kick the cold from two weeks ago.  I am pretty much 100% transitioned into maternity pants.  I seriously think they should make elastic waistband pants for all women!   I love wearing them.  Everyday I feel like I'm walking around in pajamas.  It is awesome!   

As you can see from the picture above I am starting to show.  This outfit makes it look like I'm still just fat, but when I wear my maternity clothes they are much more flattering.  One of these days I need to have Kiel snap a picture in some cute maternity clothes.  

I also got a super huge donation of maternity clothes this week.  Twenty-five pairs of pants, 3 shirts, 8 skirts, and a cute jumper-all for FREE courtesy of one of the school nurses.  All my friends will be hounding me for maternity clothes once it is their turn to cook their buns!

I also got my first massage!  It was incredible!   I went to see a friend from elementary school who now works as a massage therapist.  She knew exactly how and where to work my body, and I left there feeling better than I had in weeks.  I still haven't had any back pain and I have been sleeping much better!  Wooohooo!!  My next appointment will be during my February vacation! Double Woooohoooo!   

I am pretty sure I am feeling movement but it is not as fluttery and bubbly as other describe.  Last Friday I thought I felt some hardcore kicks right under my belly button while I was listening to some bumping music in the car.  Yesterday, it felt like the baby could have been punching my bladder, as I kept getting this weird "have to pee" sensation that lasted only for about 2 seconds before going away then came back a minute or two later.  That lasted for about 5 minutes total.   And today I was feeling sharp, but not debilitating pains deeper in my body.   If anyone knows what any of these feelings are, please feel free to let me know!  Otherwise, I'll just keep assuming it was the baby moving. 

Okay onto the Weekly List....

-The Weekly List -

How far along? 18 Weeks exactly (for once I have enough energy to blog on a Monday night after working all day and tutoring!)

Total weight gain/loss: Gaining some more!  Now only -2 on the scale.  I'm slightly worried that I am now putting on weight faster than recommended, but hey, what can you do?

Maternity clothes? All maternity pants, I just packed away all my regular pants, skirts, and jeans.  They will make their next appearance in late July.  I can still wear either maternity or regular shirts.  

Stretch marks? Not yet.  

Sleep: Still pretty tired, but feeling better than last week.  I think it is because I am not waking up nearly as much as I had been in previous weeks.  I still wake up more than I did before I was pregnant, but then I could have slept through someone breaking into my house!    

Best moment this week: Two people who didn't know I was pregnant asked if I was.  One was a student who goes to the school attached to ours (random, but we have one building for two schools), and she just came right out and asked me.  The other was a colleague at the other school whom I play softball with in the spring.  I passed her in the stairwell said "What's up" and she totally gawked at my belly.  I didn't say anything and neither did she.  Until she got into her classroom and texted a mutual friend.  He thought it would be funny to tell her I was on the McDonald's Diet.  Thanks!    

Miss Anything? Deli meat!  And we will be having two 3 foot long subs in our house this weekend.  Everybody better eat up!!!  

Movement: Yes, see above.  Unless someone tells me otherwise I'm pretty sure I'm feeling the baby.  It will be cool to see the baby moving on Thursday and compare what I see to what I feel.  

Food cravings: fresh pineapple, salad, kiwi, oranges, Cookies 'n Cream ice cream (that's where the 3 pounds came from this week!). 

Food aversions: I ate chicken this week and I ate everything on my plate.  It still isn't my favorite, but I can definitely tolerate it!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still no, Thank Goodness!

Ailments: Nasal congestion, this stinkin cold that just won't quit.    

Have you started to show yet: Yeah, when I am wearing the right clothes.  

Gender prediction: Girl or boy!  Who cares really?!?!  I'm having a freaking baby!

Labor Signs: NO

Belly Button in or out? In, but it is changing!  It is stretching out and the hole is getting bigger.  The crinkliness of it is starting to smooth out (if that makes any sense to anyone!)

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy this week! 

Looking forward to: The ultrasound in 3 days!  Shopping for the gender reveal party with Laur and finally meeting my blogger friend Shannon!  Having the big gender reveal party on Sunday.  I can't wait to see what color balloons come out of the box!!!  (check back next week for pictures and videos, courtesy of Lauren and Anna!)


  1. U do see that ur preggers now. But the question is who is going to put those balloons in the box??

    1. The lady at the grocery store down the street! A perfect stranger will know before all of us!
