Thursday, October 25, 2012

16 Weeks Old

Sixteen Weeks.  Before I know it he'll be 16 months and walking and talking, then 16 years and driving.  Slow down!!

Maddex has really regressed in the area of sleeping at night, but we are slowly making progress and heading back to where he was before.  I don't mind waking up 2 times a night, but by the fifth or sixth time I am completely zonked.  I am tempted to put him in his crib and let him cry it out, but that won't give me any more sleep.  I will be awake the whole time listening to his cries.  I can't determine if it is worth this struggle so eventually he will sleep longer.  I've done research and there are so many schools of thought on this one.  Some people strongly believe you should never let your baby cry.  By going to them immediately they learn that they can trust you.  Others believe letting them cry it out isn't neglecting your child, but teaching him a skill-to comfort himself and learn to fall asleep on his own.  And then there are people in the middle who believe you should comfort your child when he cries,  but not pick him up and just continue doing this until he falls asleep.  In case you can't figure it out I am with the first researcher.  I can't listen to him cry and I would much rather have an uncomfortable night of sleep with him in my arms than hearing him cry from across the house. I am not sure where this will take us in the coming months, but I hope he learns to trust me and start to sleep on his own!

During the day he has been awesome.  Besides screaming every now and then and shoving his fist in his mouth (teething, I think) he is such a happy boy.   He absolutely loves being outside, shopping, going to restaurants, and just walking around.  I love that I can take him places and not really have to worry about how he will react.  He is also getting sooooo much better in the car.  He still hates his carseat, but he loves looking out the window, listening to music, and seeing where Mommy is taking him.

He is also just getting to be so much fun.  He laughs out loud.  He smiles at everyone.  He is interested in the people around him.  He looks forward to seeing Mommy and Daddy.  He sings.  He eats big boy food.  He wants to sit and stand on his own.  He loves to cuddle.  He loves meeting new people.  He loves his toys and shoving them in his mouth.  He is just the best!!

Today is an anniversary. On this day in 2011 I took a pregnancy test and got my first positive result ever.  It was the best day ever in a year full of best days.  I never thought a peed on piece of plastic could bring me such joy!  Here is the link to my first blog post where I explain what it was like to find out I was pregnant-Five weeks.

- The Weekly List -

16 Weeks Old
Total weight gain/loss:
Mom: Sixteen pounds under.  I just bought new jeans and they are TWO sizes smaller than jeans I bought two weeks before I got pregnant last year. Craziness!

Maddex: He appears to have gained a pound in one week.  On our scale he is now 16.5 pounds!

Sleep: He is now back to sleeping 4-5 hours during his first "put down" of the night.  After that we sometimes get about 2-3 more hours.  Then after that we are lucky to get an hour in. Not fun!

Best moment this week: Just spending every waking second with this boy.  He is so much fun.  I love how much he loves to cuddle and be with me!  I have such a Mama's Boy on my hands!  

Miss Anything? 
Sleep- still. But it is amazing how I can survive on such short and interrupted sleep.  A mother's body definitely changes to accommodate the needs of her baby. 

Looking forward to: I still can't wait for him to be on a schedule.  Seeing him in his Halloween costume.  Trying new foods.  Watching my little boy grow.  

-Everything about this child. 
-Spending all day everyday with him.  It doesn't get old!
-Going places with the boy and he totally just chills and watches everything
-Smiles from my boy
-His laugh
-When he seeks me out, finds me, and kicks and wiggles cuz he is so happy to see me!
(All the same!) (I still can't change these!)
-He is now showing preference to the breast instead of the bottle.  I love it, but I can't figure this kid out!

-Spending time outside
-People watching
-Looking at himself in the mirror
-Watching Mommy's hair shake
-Watching Mommy when she sticks out her tongue (he is copying me again now too)
-Blowing raspberries
-Apple sauce
-Diaper changes
-A & D ointment
-Kicking in the bath tub
-Chewing on my fingers
-Sleeping on Mommy's chest
-When Mommy does my belly exercises.
-Being Super Baby!   
-Putting everything in my mouth
-Playing with toys
-My monkey toy
-Hanging out and eating dinner with Mommy and Daddy

-When he stiffens during outfit changes and when getting into his car seat.  He hates both of those things!

-That he only poops every 2-3 days now. He doesn't seem to be in any pain and he doesn't have signs of constipation, but it is not fun to change 2-3 days worth of poop!

-Getting dressed
-Sleeping the whole night in my Co-sleeper.  Mommy is much squishier!
-Sleeping alone 
-Sun in  my face
-Warm milk - He loves his bottle cold now.  He actually refused a warm bottle, we grabbed a cold one and he sucked it down.  This makes life so much easier.  And I am super happy I didn't waste $30 on a Tommee Tippee bottle warmer!

-Went pee with him in his front carrier while at BJs the other day.  It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.  Sorry if this is TMI!

-Went to his first girls field hockey game to see Breana (this was actually a first for Mommy too)
-Sat in a big boy high chair when we went out to lunch with Papou.  Maddex is just getting so big.  

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