Tuesday, November 27, 2012

20-21 Weeks

A lot has happened since the last time I sat down to write about Little Boy.  We had a little play date with his cousin who is two months older than him.  It was fun to see the boys look at each other and “play” with each other.  On that day we also made a surprise pit stop to Mem’s work so she could show him off to the ladies in her office.  I’m pretty sure she was in heaven.  Maddex also got to meet his new baby cousin Alex.  Its funny, but he had no interest in the newborn.  It’s like he would rather see and swat at babies and kids that are actually moving.  Those two will have plenty of time to hit each other!  I also had my first ladies night out with Lauren and Kiel stayed home with Maddex all alone!  It was kind of a big deal since it was the longest he had ever been alone with him AND he had to put him to bed on his own. 

A big thing happened on the day after the Maddex and Daddy night.  He cut his first tooth!  He was exactly four months and fifteen days old and I totally knew it was coming.  Well, I guess I had mentioned it was coming since he was about 8 weeks old and he really started drooling up a storm. But really, about 2-3 days before the tooth popped through I said to Kiel, “His gums feel different.  Like thin or something.”  The next day he felt them and said he noticed a difference too.  And wouldn’t you know on November 16, 2012 he got his first tooth-the bottom front tooth on his left.  Oh My Goodness he was so fussy that day.  I tried everything to sooth him and the top two things were teething tabs dissolved right on his gums and frozen binkies-ideas courtesy of my facebook friends!  The next day the tooth right beside that popped through as well.    We had to deal with two days of MAJOR fussiness, but after that he has been awesome (except for not really sleeping more than 2 hours at a time at night).  I have been saying “We went from major colic to teeth and now we finally have a happy baby!” 

It is nice to finally experience the really good stuff.  The belly laughs, the curious faces, the excited baby, the lovey dovey cuddly baby.  Needless to say I have really been enjoying the past few weeks. 

We also had Maddex’s first Thanksgiving.  He was awesome that whole day. He tolerated being passed from person to person so well.  He only cried a few times and those times were very short.  I love being able to bring him places and not having to stress about whether or not he will have a total meltdown. 

We have been doing lots of going out to restaurants and shopping and he has been a dream!  One day we shopped and walked around town for almost 3 hours- all without a peep!  He just loves being outside or in new places.  He is so curious he just looks around and gives the occasional smile to a stranger.  He is just too stinking awesome!  I can’t tell you how many times I have told him he is  such a good baby these last few weeks! 

Today we went to visit his daycare for the final time before he is on his own.  All I can say is: I totally needed today’s experience.  He was awesome.  He was curious to see the kids.  He played independently.  He watched the other kids playing.  He was great when Kim picked him up.  Kim’s mother also said “Wow!  What a good natured little boy!”  Ha!  I had never heard that one before!  I guess that’s because most people have heard him scream for most of our visits to places in the past.  It feels so good to know he will be fine  without me.  I cannot wait to see all that he learns from Kim and the kids and the little boy he is going to become by going to such a great daycare.  We are so very lucky to have found such a great place to bring our child in our very own neighborhood!  

- The Weekly List -

20-21 Weeks Old
Total weight gain/loss:
Mom: I’m holding strong at just 20 pounds under my pre pregnancy weight.  I am completely happy staying here!

Maddex: He is about 18 pounds and eating like a little piggy!  The past two days he has been preferring solid food and nursing to the bottle.  I wonder what will happen when he starts daycare. 

Sleep: Sleep is still not where I would like it to be.  For two nights after his teeth he slept for 7.5 then 6.5 hours then we were back to waking every 2-3 hours and some nights even more often than that.  Let’s just say he is sooooo not like me when it comes to sleeping!

Best moment this week: Just being with my happy baby.  I love the way he looks at me!  Loving every last second with him!

Miss Anything? I am dealing fine with no sleep.  I can say that now, at 5:30 when he decides to wake up for good after being up ever hour from 11-5, I may have other words in mind…

Looking forward to: Our first Mommy and Me swim class this Saturday.  It should be interesting getting ready in the locker room with him!  Getting our family Christmas tree on Sunday.  Picking out and cutting down the tree has been a very important family tradition and I am so happy to continue it now with Maddex.  Bringing Maddex to meet Santa for the first time!

-Everything about this child. 
-Spending all day everyday with him.  It doesn't get old!
-Going places with the boy and he totally just chills and watches everything
-Smiles from my boy
-His laugh
-When he seeks me out, finds me, and kicks and wiggles cuz he is so happy to see me!
(All the same!) (I still can't change these!)
-He is now showing preference to the breast instead of the bottle.  I love it, but I can't figure this kid out!
-That he knows when it is time to sleep and he cuddles right in and passes right out.  
-That he doesn’t scream in the car anymore.  He just chills, hums/sings, or sleeps.  It’s great after all we have been through in the car!
-That I have had so much quality time with him!

-Spending time outside
-People watching
-Looking at himself in the mirror
-Watching Mommy's hair shake
-Watching Mommy when she sticks out her tongue (he is copying me again now too)
-Blowing raspberries
-Diaper changes
-A & D ointment
-Kicking in the bath tub
-Chewing on my fingers
-Sleeping on Mommy's chest
-When Mommy does my belly exercises.
-Being Super Baby!   
-Putting everything in my mouth
-Playing with toys
-My monkey toy
-Hanging out and eating dinner with Mommy and Daddy
-My new crinkly star blanket from Joe and Linda
-Shopping with Mommy
-Yaz and Pesky
- Other little kids

-Can’t think of any.  Maybe just that he doesn’t sleep through the night yet.

-Getting dressed
-Sleeping the whole night in my Co-sleeper.  Mommy is much squishier!
-Sleeping alone 
-Sun in my face
-That I can’t chase the kitties yet!

-Major holiday with my baby (Thanksgiving)
-Became an aunty for the first time!

-Playdate with his cousin
-Tooth (teeth)
-Visit to a package store (Mom needed to buy a present for a friend!)

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