Wednesday, November 7, 2012

4 Months

Yes, this post is a little delayed, but at least the photo was taken on the right day.  Well, almost.  I waited until he was four months and one day since I wanted to see his exact weight and length at the doctor.

At four months and one day he was 16 pounds 13 ounces and 24.75 inches with a head circumference of 44.5 centimeters.    That puts him in the 85 percentile for weight, 45 percentile for length, and 95 percentile for head circumference.  So, based on those measurements we have a very "round" baby.  I actually find those percentiles a little surprising.  Yes, I know he is heavy, but he doesn't appear "fat" or "overweight" to me.  I hope I don't have those blind eyes that moms of overweight children have, but to me he looks very "strong."  He is much more solid than rolly polly.  His back muscles are incredibly strong and he has the broad shoulders of an athlete.  Doctors haven't shown any concern for his weight and both the pediatrician and the gastroenterologist called him "perfect"!   Of course I knew that, but it was nice to hear it from the doctors!

Yesterday I took him to the gastroenterologist for just a follow up from our previous issue.  I wanted to cancel it but was advised not to by the pediatrician.  I'm glad I didn't because the GI doctor made me feel like an awesome mom.   He is super proud of me for changing my diet and sticking to it and gradually trying out new foods in a scientific manner (I only change one food at a time, I know about variables!).  I told him how I didn't see a real change in M's stomach issues for a solid month and he said he was impressed that I took his advice and waited a full month on my new diet.  Most moms wait it out for a week or two and don't see a change and go back to their old foods or switch to formula entirely.  I also told him how beef has been the real kicker for Maddex and his stomach issues and that I have yet to read anything about eliminating beef if you suspect a milk intolerance.  He said that it is a little secret that pediatric gastroenterologist know.  I want to scream it on a mountain top that moms also have to cut out beef if they are cutting out milk.  Beef is really what bothers Maddex.  I tried 3 meatballs one day and for the next two days Maddex was so uncomfortable and could barely take down a bottle without screaming.  So beef is out of my diet for another 8 months.  The doctor said M's belly and intestines may still be too immature to handle that protein.  But on a positive note, he should be able to tolerate cow's milk by his first birthday.  I have to test it with baby yogurt in June and then try the cow's milk.  If he has an issue with that I'll have to call the doctor and figure out a plan of action.

Another thing both doctors were impressed with (besides how healthy he looks) is M's ability to maintain eye contact.  Since he was very young he has stared into my eyes and I have made it a point to stare back to teach him that that is a way that humans communicate.  I am glad that the doctors noticed that and it is a relief that he is not displaying signs of autism.  Yes, I'm crazy. I do worry about that.  And yes there is research that suggests that researchers in the field of autism can notice signs of the disorder well before parents do, such as the inability to maintain eye contact before one year of age.

I'll update more on him home behavior in his 18 week post coming up tomorrow.  

(Today I'm going to try to schedule a few posts to go out for the rest of this week since I don't have too much to do around the house. Stay tuned!)

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