Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Lied...

So I'm not ready to post about the shower this weekend.  I really was going to tonight, but then I realized I don't have a single picture from that day.  I know a few people were taking pictures so I will just have to get them to either email me or make a CD.  If nothing else I want to make sure the world sees a picture of the cake.  It was adorable!!

On another note.  I have Fred Flintstone feet.  The swelling keeps getting worse and worse.  When I get up from bed my feet and ankles look almost normal and, no lie, in less than a minute they are swollen!  I really don't understand what is going on.  They are becoming really sore too, but not on the top where the swelling is visible, but on the bottom.  I haven't done much walking lately, and when I do it is incredibly slow.  At school I try to keep my feet up as much as possible, but I do not have a desk job so it is nearly impossible. Although, I do force myself to sit more than I did before.

If I didn't have the last day of school to shoot for, I would probably be planning my last day of work for either next Friday or the Friday after that.  It is getting increasingly difficult to get up in the morning and I take a nap almost every night.  It also doesn't help that I don't have a parking spot at school, so some days I have to park about 3/4 of a mile away and drag my nerdy rolling suitcase to school in the morning and back to my car in the afternoon.  Somedays I luck out and someone offers me their spot but most days I have a long, slow walk to my car in the afternoon (the mornings don't bother me so much!).  This is the biggest gripe I have about working in the city!

I have hit the third trimester wall, and boy have I hit it hard!


  1. Best advice I ever received: You have to do what's right for you. I know you want to make it to the last day, but your body will tell you when your last day is - whether it's the "official" last day, or some other date you choose. Hang in there and sleep lots! You're in the home stretch! :)

    1. You are sooooo right! I'm trying to suck it up, but I am hoping my body will know when it is time to throw in the towel. You can probably relate better than anyone: we don't have jobs where we can sit, so many people depend on us, and our commutes are much longer and stressful than the average person!
