Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

There is just something about the quote above that gets me every time.  I pinned this picture on pinterest long before I even knew I was pregnant.  Now that Little Boy is in there being soothed by the beat of my heart, this quote means so much more.

Everyday I fall more and more in love with him.  I know once he his born and I see his beautiful face for the first time all the love I have for him right now will be multiplied exponentially (is that even mathematically possible...Kate?).

I hope he realizes that he means more than anything to me and I will never stop loving him.

"No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you, [Little Boy].   After all, you're the the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside."

I also would like to document my first Mother's Day card from my mommy and daddy.  It choked me up a bit...


  1. OMG, that quote totally made me all teary eyed. It is perfect!

  2. Oops. Forgot to reply to the math part.
    Not only is it mathematically possible, it is highly probable, with a probability approaching 1 whole! Something like 0.999999....
    I can't even begin to express the explosion of love that happens. We'll figure out the formula after BB St. George is born. ;) (or not)
