Thursday, May 10, 2012

Minor Scare...

Although I don't think it is completely necessary to share this, I am trying to document everything about this pregnancy for future reference.  Soooooo, on Wednesday morning we found ourselves in Labor and Delivery....

When I woke up at 4:30 for work and went to the bathroom there was blood.  Although I was not overly concerned, the more I thought about it the more I felt I should call the doctor.  It was the first time I have seen any blood during the pregnancy and there was a decent amount.  I also remembered reading that it can be an early sign of preterm labor.

After discussing my lack of other symptoms with the on call doctor, he thought it best to just go in to get checked out just to be on the safe side.  I really wasn't stressing, though, since little boy was super active and responsive to my voice and rubs.  We packed up a quick bag (just in case) and headed to the hospital.

Four hours later and after a series of tests were completed the doctor confirmed what I was just a perfectly safe side effect of pregnancy.  My cervix was not dilated, I was only having minor braxton hicks contractions, and some other preterm test confirmed there is virtually no chance of me going into labor in the next 2-4 weeks.  Phew!!

One fun thing during this whole ordeal was listening to little boy's constant heart rate and the muffled sounds of his movements.  I think Kiel was shocked to realize how much this little bugger moves!  

Also, both nurses that I had commented on how content little boy seemed based on his heart rate and near constant activity.  I have always thought the same thing!

It was also neat to see the braxton hicks contractions popping up on the contraction monitor.  I really hadn't realized they were happening so often since I really can't feel them, but it is good to know my body is practically constantly working out to prepare for the big day.


  1. UGH! I know how scary this can be! But L&D nurses always know how to make things seem less freaky! Glad it turned out to be nothing and hope the next time you go, you come with baby boy! *Jen

  2. soo glad it turned out to be just a minor scare! my camera battery is not charged!! ;) *lcd
