Thursday, March 27, 2014

It has been entirely too long

I am really regretting not posting more about Maddex's second year!  So I am making a promise to myself to at least do one little thing on here each week.  Maybe just a paragraph, maybe just a picture or a video.  I just don't want to forget all the little things he does!  I have a lot of things still in my memory, but I have no idea what I have forgotten.  So for today I'll just share a few photos that make me happy.

As I uploaded these pics, I realized how easy it is to do with my new phone!  Another thing to be happy about now that I have ditched the iPhone and moved on to a Samsung!  I will definitely be posting more soon.

Enjoy these pictures and videos from the last week and a half.  Maybe I'll catch up on the last few months soon!

Fun at gymnastics 3/26/14

Celebrating Gramps's 84th Birthday 3/25/14

Visiting Yiayia 3/22/14

Pretending he is Mommy with a jogging stroller

He can't behave when he knows I am recoding him! 

Thank god for ipads.  The plane ride was awesome partly because of this invention!

He finally got to meet his Great Grandparents on Nana's side!  

More on our family vacation to Florida soon!

So it seems like the videos aren't working.  If anyone knows how to fix that, let me know!!