Tuesday, July 10, 2012

One Week Old!

I am already a day late!  Kiel and I decided to post one day late since we were late posting his newborn picture anyway. (And then I couldn't find my card reader, so now I am two days late!)  Hopefully by next week we will be back on track and I can post updates every Sunday!  

This week has been beyond amazing.  I am loving every second of being a mom.  Maddex is just so perfect and I can't even remember what life was like before him!  Several times a day (like right now for instance) I just break down and cry because I am just so head over heals in love with this child.  Kiel often catches me wiping away tears as I rock my precious baby in my arms.  I hate that I am so emotional, but I don't know how to express all my emotions any other way.  I just feel so blessed to have such a perfect little baby boy.  

We have had tons of visitors over the past week and it has been wonderful to see everyone holding and loving our baby boy.  I love that I can share such a precious gift with the world.  He bring such joy to others and I am more than happy to share him.  But I also love our quiet family of 3 down time.  The past two nights we have slept together on the couch for an hour or so.  Kiel holds Maddex with the help of the arm of the couch, while I lay on his other side.  It is so perfect and makes me so happy that the three of us are finally together!  

Yesterday (on his one week birthday) Maddex had his newborn photos taken by his "Auntie" Lauren.  I cannot wait to share these photos with the world.  She did an amazing job and Maddex was beyond cooperative during all the outfit/set changes-he just slept through the whole thing!  

He is doing a great job sleeping and wakes pretty much every 4 hours for a feeding.   We have been having a problem with diapers and he last night he peed through 3 diapers!  It is a pain to change his clothes and his sheets in the middle of the night, but guess what?  I smile the whole time.  If you told me a month ago that I would be smiling and singing several times a night when my baby woke me up I would have told you that you are crazy!  I need my sleep!  But something changed when I became a mom.  I don't nearly need as much sleep as I needed before and I actually enjoy getting up to change and feed him.  It just means I get more time to interact and see my baby boy.  I am so in love!  

- The Weekly List -

1 Week Old
Total weight gain/loss:
Mom: - 30 pounds!  I still have about 14 more to go.  Clearly a lot of my weight was water weight that came right off after I got this little man out of me!  I still have quite the little baby bump, but it is shrinking every day!

Maddex: Maddex started off at 8 pounds 10 ounces, I think a lot of that was from all the fluids they were pumping into me during my labor.  He dropped as low as 7lbs 14oz.  At his one week check up he was 8 pounds 8 ounces.  Doctor was very happy since it usually takes two weeks or more to get back up to birth weight and he will do that much sooner!  
Maternity clothes?
 I am wearing dresses since I had a C-Section and I am not quite ready to have a band on my belly.  I can fit into non maternity medium dresses, so I think I am doing pretty good. 

Stretch marks? I checked my belly out quickly and didn't notice any.   But I do have the linea negra still going on.  It seems even darker now.  My belly button is still mostly out too!  I hope that go back in!

Sleep: He is a pretty good sleeper.  We can pretty much guarantee about 3-4 hours at a time.  Last night was our first restless night.  We ended up having him sleep in his vibrating chair from 4am-7am since he just couldn't get settled in the cosleeper last night.  We will have to try again tonight.  Worst case scenario we will move the Pack 'n Play into our room and use the basinet feature we have attached to it.  He is in that right now and seems to like it.  I have a feeling he doesn't like being perfectly flat.  

Best moment this week: EVERYTHING!!!  Seeing him for the first time.  Holding him.  Seeing Kiel with him.  Seeing him smile (it is soooo not gas!).  Feeding him.  Soothing him.  When Maddex recognizes my voice or Kiel's voice-I swear he did turn to Kiel in the operating room.  Being able to figure out what he needs and fixing it for him.  Realizing that I can be a mom!  

Miss Anything? 
Nope!  I thought I would have said sleep, but being up in the middle of the night with Maddex is so wonderful, I don't even mind that I am missing out on sleep!

Movement: Everyone comments on how much this kid squirms!  Now everyone can see what I was dealing with for the past few months!  He is such a kicker that he doesn't stay swaddled or keep blankets on.  He also makes changing quite the ordeal since his legs are constantly going! 

Looking forward to: Being able to go for walks around the neighborhood.  Maddex meeting my grandmothers.  I am trying to cherish every moment and not look forward.  I want to live in the moment with this perfect little boy!

-[LOVES] Baby Maddex!

-That I can be a mom
-Staring into Maddex's eyes
-Rocking Maddex to sleep
-Watching him sleep in my arms-he makes the cutest faces ever!
-Watching Kiel be a Daddy-He has been beyond amazing.  I picked the perfect husband!

-Being rocked to sleep

-Peeing when Mommy forgets to cover me during a diaper change
-Eating lots and lots of food (From Mommy, Pumped from Mommy, and Formula [more on that later])
-Listening/watching Mommy sing and sign the ABCs
-Bottles from Daddy
-Watching baseball with Daddy

- Hearing Maddex cry.  I have been pretty good at soothing him, but once he had quite the scream-fest!

-The days are flying by.  I want time to slow down!
-When Maddex prefers a bottle to the breast. 

- Being changed

-Peeing out the side of my diaper and soaking my bed
-Sleeping on a flat surface
-Nursing from the breast when he is falling asleep-He is so lazy and prefers a bottle when he tired.  

-Holding my first born child
-Breast feeding a baby (it is really not that bad, I actually really enjoy it. I find it very relaxing and could fall asleep during most sessions!)
-Signing a medical form for Maddex as his "mother"
-Getting a phone call for the parent of Maddex
-Waking up several times in the middle of the night for a newborn and loving it
-Being responsible for another life

-Pretty much everything has been a first for baby boy this week!  
-He is such a trooper and very curious and when there is a lot going on he watches everything
-His first day (when Mommy was all drugged up) Daddy said he was up all day looking around and taking everything in. 

New Friends 
We met lots of new friends and family members this week:
Auntie Corey
Uncle Chris
Uncle Niko
"Auntie" Lauren
Uncle Jay
Auntie Angie
"Uncle" Dana
"Auntie" Erin
"Auntie" Jennifer
"Grandma" Debbie
"Auntie" Becky
Great Grandpa St. George
Great Grandma St. George
Cousin Brandi
"Auntie" Sue
Fur Brother Yaz
Fur Brother Pesky

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