Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Two Weeks Old!

I can't believe we survived a whole week at home with a newborn!  It seems like he has been here forever though.  Kiel and I keep saying that it seems like he has always been here with us.  Not much has changed this week.  Kiel had to go back to work, which was a huge bummer for me.  I cry every day when he leaves and everyday when I get the text or call that he is on his way home.  These hormones are killing me!  My mom and sister spent the week with us and that was a huge help.  I was able to get a lot done around the house while they tended to Maddex.  I have recovered very well considering I had major surgery and stopped taking any pain meds just nine days after procedure!  Two nights ago I was even able to sleep on my belly again!

We are trying to get into a routine with Maddex, but I don't think that is very possible with a two week old.  He likes to eat every 2-3 hours during the day (sometimes every hour) and at night a few times we let him go for a six hour stretch without eating.   Kiel seems to think that letting him go for a six hour stretch at night makes for a fussier, hungrier baby throughout the day so last night we made sure to wake him up every 4 hours.  It wasn't too bad considering he finished eating and was asleep by 9, we were up again at 1 and 4 and he let me sleep until about 7.   Not too shabby for a newborn (I think).  Kiel is a huge help at night and it makes me feel so guilty.  He is the one who has to get up and go to work, but he still gives Maddex his "after breast 2 oz bottle" of pumped milk, gets my pump ready, and then washes my pump supplies while I either change Maddex or rock him back to sleep.  I pretty much married a rock star husband.  He is the best!

- The Weekly List -

2 Weeks Old
Total weight gain/loss:
Mom: - 40 pounds!  Only 4 pounds to go, but I clearly still have work to do.  I still have a little belly.  I can't even see my incision since my bump blocks it.  I lost a lot of my muscle mass during pregnancy since I didn't run or workout so I will have my work cut out for me in four weeks when I can begin physical activity again.    

Maddex: He is gaining weight like a champ.  At his two week appointment he weighed 9 pounds 5.4 ounces!  We are doing something right with all the breast feeding and pump feeding!  
Maternity clothes?
 I wore maternity jeans the other day and they still fit pretty good.  I pretty much still wear dresses and yoga pants and they all fit perfectly.  Some of the dresses are a little too big now.  

Stretch marks? Kiel found one....it is in between my belly button and my stupid belly ring scar.  If only I could be 18 again and talk myself out of that stupid act of rebellion!  

Sleep: His schedule is pretty good now considering he is only a newborn.  He pretty much wakes up sometime between 7am and 9am and hangs out for 1-2 hours in the morning before napping again. Wakes up early afternoon for a feeding, usually hangs out for another hour or so.  Then sleeps until 4 or 5.  Then he is up the WHOLE evening until around 8 or 9 when he goes down for the night and only wakes up about 2 times a night.  I really don't think I should complain about his sleep schedule.  I am also sleeping better now too.  I don't get up every few minutes to check on him.  Now I just wake when he makes a sound.  I also should mention that I am not as thrilled to be waking up in the middle of the night as I was last week, but it still is not as bad as I thought it would be! 

Best moment this week: Spending time together as a family.   Enjoying all the little moments together.   Thinking about the future, but not wishing for time to move any faster.  

Miss Anything?
Not feeling anxious.  I definitely have some anxiety issues right now.  I am afraid to go out in public with him.  I am afraid to leave the house without him.  I am only away from Maddex when I go to the bathroom or shower.  I need to mentally prepare myself for a short trip outside the house one day soon or else I'm afraid I will never be able to leave him! 

Looking forward to: Feeling more comfortable being a mom.  Not having this anxiety looming over me.  Figuring out what Maddex's cries mean!  

-[LOVES] Baby Maddex!

-That I can be a mom
-Staring into Maddex's eyes
-Rocking Maddex to sleep
-Watching him sleep in my arms-he makes the cutest faces ever!
-Watching Kiel be a Daddy-He has been beyond amazing.  I picked the perfect husband!
-[I can't delete the above bullets since I love all of them so you will just have to read them over and over again every week!]
-The silly faces Maddex makes
-The Pack 'n Play.  It gets so much use and I could not live without it! 
-All the help I received the past few weeks. 

-Being rocked to sleep

-Peeing when Mommy forgets to cover me during a diaper change
-Eating lots and lots of food (From Mommy, Pumped from Mommy)
-Listening/watching Mommy sing and sign the ABCs
-Bottles from Daddy
-Watching baseball with Daddy
-Listening to Daddy pretend cry like me
-Sleeping for long periods of time at night
-Things that vibrate me
-Walking around the house in Mommy or Daddy's arms
-Sleeping in the newborn napper feature on the Pack 'n Play
- Hearing Maddex cry.  

-The days are flying by.  I want time to slow down!
-When Maddex prefers a bottle to the breast. 
-When Maddex poops in a just changed diaper!

-Sleeping on a flat surface
-Nursing from the breast when he is falling asleep-He is so lazy and prefers a bottle when he tired. 
-Sitting still 

-Feeling major anxiety for the first time in my life

-Walk around the neighborhood
-Day out-To see Auntie Corey's hair trial and dress fitting

New Friends 
Great Uncle Greg
Great Aunt Donna
"Auntie" Holly
Dave and Lori (Auntie Corey's future in-laws)


  1. i love these updates! they always put a smile on my face! :)
    and you did marry a wonderful man. i am so thankful that you have an amazing partner in kiel. makes me feel good! xox *lcd
