Tuesday, August 7, 2012

5 Weeks

We are still dealing with the whole stomach issue.  Although, he seems to be getting a little bit better he still has 2-3 feedings a day where he pulls off the breast or the bottle crying.   For the most part it seems to be happening from 8-10 am and 5-8 pm.  The mid day feedings and evening feedings are fine.  I was beginning to think they coincided with the time we gave him his medicine so yesterday we didn't give him any.  That didn't help either.  I just can't seem to figure out what is causing him to cry.  Clearly, it is not my milk since the mid-day feeding can't be much different than the morning feeding before or the evening feeding right after.  And usually when we give him the bottle after the breast it is milk that was pumped the day before.  If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, or thoughts about what is going on please let me know.  He still is displaying characteristics of acid reflux-the arching of his back, throwing his head back, hiccups, crying during and after feedings.   The crying during feedings is the worst.  He is obviously hungry and ravenously latches on, but the after taking 1-3 sucks he pulls off and starts crying (or screaming in some cases) then when I get him calm he latches on again just to repeat.  It breaks my heart and I want to fix this as soon as possible!

This weekend was my first weekend as a "single mom."  Well, not really.  My sister spent the whole weekend with me and my mom was here most of the time too.  I probably could have done okay without them, but I was sooooo very happy to have them here.  They kept me sane and they even got up with him on Sunday morning so I could catch an extra hour of sleep.  While they were here Maddex got to experience his first (and last) trip to Sam's Club.  (The service there was horrible for the "Open House Day" and I will never give them any more of my business!).  We also hit up Olive Garden for the endless soup, salad and bread sticks.  Going out to an all you can eat restaurant with a newborn is not a good idea.  I think we all only had one serving of each and we got out of there as fast as we could.  He wasn't too bad, but after our order was taken he started crying and wanted to be held for the remainder of our stay.  After that we supported Sam Walton again by going to Walmart, where (shockingly) we experienced bad service again.  On a positive note, Maddex fell asleep while being pushed in the carriage and cooperated while Mommy had to deal with clueless employees!

Today Maddex is heading out for his first play date.  Hehe! Yes he is only 5 weeks and he will be "playing" with a 14 week old.  I can't wait for some adult interaction and to chat up on some survival tactics from a mom who is just slightly ahead of me in this whole parenting game.

Tomorrow we will either be heading to my coworkers house for a pool party or to Mommy and Me yoga.  The pool party is over an hour away and Maddex isn't too great in the car, but one of my other coworkers might meet me half way so she can sit in the back and entertain the boy.  If that doesn't work out then we will head to a free trial class of Mommy and Me yoga taught by the same woman who did my prenatal yoga.  Even if we don't make it to the free class, I plan on attending the regularly scheduled classes.

Tomorrow is also our 4 year anniversary (08-08-08).  Hard to believe we have been married for 4 years already!

On another note...This kid is looking more and more like his daddy every day.  When Kiel was away this weekend it was so nice to be able to look at Maddex and see Kiel's features in our little boy's face!

- The Weekly List -

5 Weeks Old
Total weight gain/loss:
Mom: - 48.5. Still melting away the pounds without trying.  This morning when I weighed myself I was 4.5 pounds below my prepregnancy weight.  I can't wait until Thursday when I go for my 6 week check up. I am hoping I get the okay to run.  I can't imagine why I wouldn't, I feel perfectly fine right now.  I am hoping to now get down to my wedding weight.  That means I have about 12 more pounds to go!  

Maddex: At the doctor on Friday (The gastroenterologist) he weighed 11 pounds 0.4 ounces.  He is growing like a weed!  He will be in size two diapers before we can use up all the size ones!  
Maternity clothes?
 Packed them all away yesterday!

Sleep: He is sleeping less and less during the day.  At night we still get one long stretch of 4-5 hours then after that it is more like 2 1/2 -3 hours for the next two feedings.   

Best moment this week: Spending the whole day out with Maddex at 2 stores and one restaurant and he was awesome!  When Kiel came home from his weekend away.  

Miss Anything? 
A full night of sleep.  I just want to lay down and sleep for a solid 8 hours without having to wake up.  We would have the opportunity at the end of the month when we go to a wedding, but I am not sure if I am ready to spend the night away from Maddex just yet!  

Looking forward to: Introducing Maddex to many of my family members on Saturday at our family picnic.  Having Maddex feel better.  

-Last week I said seeing a real Maddex smile and I got to see one.  But that doesn't count as his first smile since Kiel wasn't home for it :(
-[LOVES] Baby Maddex!

-That I can be a mom
-Staring into Maddex's eyes
-Rocking Maddex to sleep
-Watching him sleep in my arms-he makes the cutest faces ever!
-Watching Kiel be a Daddy-He has been beyond amazing.  I picked the perfect husband!
-[I can't delete the above bullets since I love all of them so you will just have to read them over and over again every week!]
-When Maddex snuggles into my neck. 
-When Maddex wants the breast just to be comforted.  That makes me feel so special. 
-When he starts crying in his swing or bed and as I come into his view he stops crying.  

-Being rocked to sleep

-Things that vibrate me
-My swing (That swing has been a life saver.  Sometimes he just doesn't want to be held and prefers time alone in the swing)
-Watching the ceiling fan
-People watching

- Hearing Maddex cry.  

-That we still don't know exactly what is causing Maddex discomfort.  

-Sleeping on a flat surface
-Eating with my body flat, I need to eat at more of an incline now. 
-Sleeping in the car. I much prefer watching everything around me.
-Going to bed while I am still awake.  Mommy needs to rock me to sleep first. 

-Brought Maddex out to eat with Auntie and Mem. 

-Trip to a Walmart
-Trip to a restaurant-Olive Garden
-"Standing"- his legs are incredibly strong for a 5 week old.  He can "stand" from a scrunched up sitting position on my lap.  It is crazy!

New Friends 
"Uncle" Bolton-only for like 20 seconds before he left with Daddy for the weekend. 

It was a slow new visitor week.  

1 comment:

  1. I bet Maddex and Gianna will be the same size when they finally meet - lol :) Sounds like you're doing awesome, mama! And I'm so jealous of your weight loss.
