Wednesday, August 22, 2012

7 Weeks Old

It is crazy that we are now at 7 weeks!  I don't know how moms go back to work at six weeks.  Maddex is still so needy and still cries so much.  I couldn't imagine a daycare provider giving him all the attention and love he needs and deserves at this time.  I am soooooo very lucky to have an additional 3 months with him!  There is so much more I want to experience with him and so much more for him to learn about himself and the world before he will be ready to face it on his own [gasp!]

His crying really picked up again this week.  On a positive note, all the websites say crying peaks at 6 weeks and then gradually decreases.  Let's hope that they are right!  The other night I went back to my hometown to visit with a friend who was up from Florida.  Maddex cried for half of the 40 minute ride down there and half of the ride back.  And when I say cry, I mean SCREAM!  On the way home it was so bad I was crying along with him.  It was not a good situation!

I purchased anti colic Tommee Tippee bottles since those are the only kind he likes and they don't work.  So don't spend the $30 on them if you have a kid with gas or colic.  My mom got us some gripe water to try.  I have only tried it out 3 times and I only give him 1/3 of the recommended dose, but it seems like it make be working a bit.  I also noticed that if I drink ginger ale he seems to cry less.  Could the ginger really be soothing his stomach or am I just imagining it?

Maddex is also showing signs of being a "Mama's boy."  He tends to cry when others hold him and as soon as he is passed off to me he stops.  I feel bad that other people can't enjoy holding him, but it also secretly makes me happy that he instantly knows my touch (or smell or love).  I love my little Mama's Boy!

- The Weekly List -

7 Weeks Old
Total weight gain/loss:
Mom: I lost a few more pounds!  Sheesh!  I am now about 8 pounds below my prepregnancy weight.  How does that even happen?  I still need to work on toning though!  I am flabby in places that have never been flabby.  I'll get to working on that soon!  

Maddex: Kiel weighed him again and he appears to be 12.5 pounds now.  He is growing like crazy!

Sleep: He still is sleeping well at night. We are usually up between 12 and 3 and then again between 4 and 6.  His first stretch of sleep is usually longer.  One night he slept from 9-3.  That felt awesome, except I was up every 15 minutes checking on him starting at 1 am.  

Best moment this week: Introducing him to more of his family.  Seeing more smiles.  Realizing that he knows his Mama!  

Miss Anything? 
Getting 8 hours of sleep in a row.  Chocolate.  Ice cream.   (Same!)

Looking forward to: I still want to hear an awake laugh and I want to be the one to make him laugh!   

-That Maddex is starting to realize who his Mommy and Daddy are.
-That Maddex gives Daddy smiles when he comes home (it is the cutest thing ever!)
-When he doesn't cry in the car!

-My swing until I want to be held
-Being held until I want my swing
-Eating lots of milk
-Squeezing people's fingers
-Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
-Being naked
-Kicking my legs
-Taking baths
-Getting my diaper changed (is this normal??)

-Hearing him cry

-Listening to him scream the whole car ride and not being able to do anything

-Being in my car seat (even when it is in my stroller)
-Wearing clothes
-Loud noises
-Being flat on my back

-I don't remember experiencing any firsts this week. 

-Jack and Jill
-Baby shower

New Friends 
We met so many family members this weekend.  So now he knows almost everyone on both sides of my family and both sides of Kiel's family.  He was such a trooper this weekend.  

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