Friday, August 10, 2012

My Breastfeeding Story

Everyone has a breastfeeding story.  Before I started breast feeding I just assumed that it came easy for everyone.  I was a little nervous about doing it, but since so many people had done it before I figured I'd catch right on.

Not so much.

Right at the beginning we had a major glitch.  Maddex developed jaundice at just 2 days old and needed phototherapy for 24 hours as well as more milk than what I was producing.  The pediatrician on duty that day happened to be the one we chose for Maddex.  He really wanted to start formula feeding right away to get the bilirubin out of his system.  I was hesitant at first, but I knew that getting Maddex healthy was my top priority.

The nurses were awesome.  Since I was concerned about nipple confusion, they started cup feeding him.  It was cool to see a two day old slurping from a little medicine cup.  Then a lactation consultant came and taught me how to tube feed.  We used a little syringe and attached a thin tube.  We ran the tube down my breast and along my nipple so when Maddex created the right latch, suction would make the formula leave the syringe and go right into his tummy.  This made me feel better because even though I wasn't producing enough milk to satisfy him, he was getting something and he had to work at latching on.

At some point during our stay he stared using a bottle.  I wasn't totally opposed to it at the time since he was still trying to latch onto me.  But the bottle really made him a lazy feeder. The first few days at home were really hard for me.  He seemed to prefer the bottle to the breast and that created a lot of work for me.  Our routine quickly became breastfeed, bottle feed with expressed milk, pump.  It is a long process and requires a lot of equipment!  I really wish he would just latch and stay latched until he was full, but that just isn't the case for us.

As I shared my story and concerns with other moms over the past few weeks, I learned that they all have had breastfeeding struggles.  Not one mom has said it was easy.  Many stopped nursing well before they wanted to because it just became too hard.  I can totally understand that!  I almost gave up when we were two weeks in, but I stuck it out.  Partly because I know all the benefits of breast milk and partly because it is so much cheaper than formula feeding.

Today, at nearly six weeks, I am happy I stuck it out.  In someways it has gotten easier.  I am producing more milk and can satisfy him.  But he still is lazy and needs the bottle.  I am lucky that I can stay home with him until he is 5 months old.  I know I will be able to continue breastfeeding until then.  I just don't know how successful we will be once I head back to work.  My goal today is to continue until Christmas.  He will be close to 6 months old by then.

I guess we will just have to wait and see how we do!

My advice to a new mom is to stick it out if you can.  Just when you think you want to quit give yourself another day or two.  You may be surprised at what you and your baby can do!  Good luck and know that breas feeding is a TON of work!  Everyone has a story and every drop of your milk you give your baby is worth it. Even if you can only give him a few drops of colostrum in the few minutes after birth that is better than no breast milk at all.

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