Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Three Months/13 Weeks!


(Someone didn't want his picture taken!)

I cannot believe it has been 3 months.  It seems like forever ago and only yesterday that he was born.  Maddex and I are starting to get into a groove.  We are really getting to know each other.  I am getting better at anticipating what he needs and we may be falling into a little bit of a daytime routine.  He has been taking a 10 am and 12:30 pm nap now for a few days.  He is down to one GINORMOUS poop a day at 10:30 (that wakes him from his 10 o'clock nap).  He plays and eats when he is awake and doesn't cry as much as he used to.  

Everyday it seems like he learns something new.  Over the weekend he started reaching for and actually grabbing toys.  He then proceeds to shove them into his mouth and gags on them!   And yesterday on his three month birthday he started blowing raspberries.  

Kiel and I have also noticed that he repeats some of our sounds now. It seems advanced, but we both swear he mimics syllables and vowel sounds.  He loves talking and gets a kick out of it when we copy what he "says."

It is so fun to see him smile and hear him laugh all day. It is especially nice when he opens his eyes for the first time over night during our 5 am feeding/diaper change.  It is like he is seeing us for the first time.  The smile and the coo that go along with it are the best things in the world!  

Since my last post, Maddex has started sleeping better again.  He has slept from 8 until 2 or 3 for the past few nights. Thank goodness!  Just getting 2 extra hours of sleep during that time make a HUGE difference!

Maddex also seemed to have had a little cold or allergies.  I'm not sure which.  It started on Saturday night and when he woke up on Sunday he was "struggling" to breathe.  Not really struggling, but he couldn't figure out how to breathe out of his mouth.  I guess babies don't know how to do this right away.  He had trouble sleeping that morning and was annoyed during his feeding.  I gave him Little Noses (I actually bought this for myself during my pregnancy) and they worked perfectly.  The drops cleared up his nasal passage so I didn't have to use the dreaded bulb syringe!   He needed the drops again on Monday and today he woke up with a relatively clear nose!  He didn't have a fever at all during this time so I wasn't too worried about it. I didn't even call my mom to ask for her opinion!  She is probably learning about his "cold" for the first time reading this!  

I printed 500 (Yes 500) photos dating from our gender reveal party all the way through to Maddex's 10th week!  Snapfish had a deal - 99 prints for 99 cents.  It was a good enough deal, but they charged $7 for shipping!  Oh well.  Lauren says they do that offer 4-5 times a year.  That's perfect for me since it will force me to upload, print, and organize photos of my baby boy's life.  I just have to remember to take the photos off our cameras.  I still have photos from his birth on our camera that I didn't even know where there until we went to the Red Sox game a few weeks ago.  Maddex's first "real" photo is on that camera since Kiel brought that into the operating room with us.  I never even looked at the picture until Maddex was 2 months old!  I'll upload those pictures soon.  Especially since I want to post our Fenway pictures!  

And let me just add that Maddex LOVES shopping!  He is such a curious little boy and gets  a kick out of watching people and seeing bright colors.  He loves being in the front carrier just looking around.  He also has gotten much better in the car.  I have gotten better at making sure he is fed, changed, and burped before even getting in the car. So if he cries I know there can't possibly be anything wrong.  This helps since I no longer become tense and stressed and I think he can sense it.  So now if he cries he only does so for about a minute or two then falls asleep or talks to himself in the mirror.   A new behavior that I noticed yesterday when we were driving to the park and then again today when we were going to KMart...He sings!  He does this little humming/cooing that is very melodic.  It may be because I changed CDs in the car.  We were listening to Michael Jackson Lullabies and now we are just listening to nursery rhymes.  The Michael Jackson CD does not have words so maybe that is why he just started the singing.  It is very cool.  I swear we have the smartest baby ever!  

- The Weekly List -

13 Weeks Old/2 Months Old
Total weight gain/loss:
Mom: I'm about 14 pounds under my prepregnancy weight.  None of my jeans fit me!  I thought I would have to buy new clothes since I would be bigger than I was before not smaller!  What a nice surprise and present from my baby boy!

Maddex: He is around 15 pounds and seems to be growing more length-wise now.  I can't wait to get the official report when we head to the pediatrician at the beginning of November. 

Sleep: He still wakes up 2 times a night. Last week he was waking up 4 or 5 times.  I was miserable!  But the last few nights it has only been 2 times.  Thank heavens!    

Best moment this week: Waking up in the morning with my handsome baby boy.  He is so precious when he wakes up.  It is like he is getting the best present in the world when he sees me and Kiel.  I hope that never goes away!

Miss Anything? 
Just the middle of the night wake ups.  It is much more manageable when he only gets up two times. 

Looking forward to: Auntie Corey's wedding on Friday. It will be a blast!   

-Everything about this child. 
-Spending all day everyday with him.  It doesn't get old!
-That we are kind of falling into a routine
-That he almost enjoys the car now.
-Shopping and going out with the boy. 

-Spending time outside
-People watching
-Looking at himself in the mirror
-Watching Mommy's hair shake
-Watching Mommy when she sticks out her tongue (he is copying me again now too)
-Blowing raspberries
-Rice cereal
-Diaper changes
-A & D ointment
-Kicking in the bath tub
-Chewing on my fingers
-Sleeping on Mommy's chest
-When Mommy does my belly exercises.
-Being Super Baby!  (I'll have to have Kiel take a picture of me doing super baby with him.)  It is our alternative to doing tummy time several times a day.  We do the official tummy time once (usually) then we play Super Baby several times a day. 

-When he stiffens up when I get him dressed.  He hates putting his arms through the holes!
-That he only poops on HUGE poop a day now.  I would much rather change a few smaller ones.  These huge ones are hard to deal with!  And they STINK!

-Getting out of the tub. 
-Getting dressed
-Sleeping the whole night in my Co-sleeper.  Mommy is much squishier!
-Being in my crib.  (My parents are going to switch mattresses with us since he actually slept in their crib for a half hour last weekend!) 

-I can't think of any!

-Slept in Mem and Papou's crib for 30 minutes.  He even woke up when I put him down and he put himself back to sleep.
-Grabbing toys and putting them into his mouth. 
-Really sucking his thumb
-Tried oatmeal
-Went to the park (he slept the whole time on Auntie Erin while I played with Nater.  It was a nice change for both of us-I got time with a toddler and she got time with a baby)
-Play date-He got to meet Little Miss Gianna.  She was interested in him but he was totally oblivious to her.  Maybe he was just playing hard-to-get!

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