Sunday, September 30, 2012

Twelve Weeks Old

So it looks like there won't be an official 12 week post.  This week has been quite busy for me and Maddex.  We have had yoga, I got my hair done, I had a doctor's appointment (at which Maddex saw my first outburst, but that is a story for another day), we visited his daycare, had a lunch date with Holly, a visit from Nana and Papi, went shopping for Aunie Corey's wedding, a visit with Anna, Eric, Graham, Lauren, and Dana, went grocery shopping, and I think that may be all.  Whenever we are out he has been great, except after being at Mommy's doctor for over an hour (now can you see why I may have had an outburst?)

He has not been sleeping all that well either.  I really think he may be teething.  So lack of sleep (for me), a fussy teething baby, and a busy schedule has been taking a toll on me emotionally.  This morning (Friday morning, when I originally started writing this) I felt like a failure of a mom since I have a 12 week old who is not on a schedule and sometimes wakes up every 2 hours at night to eat.  Super Nanny would not go for that!  I know he needs a schedule during the day to help with a night time routine, but I just can't make one work!  He sleep when he wants.  I have been trying to put him in his crib and he cries.  I have a hard time listening to him cry so after 2 minutes I go and get him.  Then he falls right to sleep in my arms. I know I have created a monster, but I just don't know what else to do!  A little part of me thought that maybe I should have him start daycare now.  I know Kim will be able to get him on a schedule.  She won't mind hearing his cries.  She will get him to sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time during the day.  Won't she?

Just so you know, we have stopped the rice cereal due to the whole arsenic scare.  He has tried oatmeal. He doesn't seem to like the oatmeal as much as the rice.  And what they say online is true, cereal does not help him sleep through the night. Or maybe it is just my kid.  Maybe he is the only nearly three month old who barely sleeps for 4 hours straight and even at that it is mostly like 2-3 hours at a time at night.   Is it just our kid?  It surely feels that way!

He will be 3 months tomorrow!  I'll definitely post a picture of that as well as create a post with the pictures from week 12.  I don't have an official boppy/sock monkey/chalk board wall photo in a white onesie, but I'll post something from week 12 on the Year of Maddex page so I at least have something from that week.   Hopefully, I'll be able to get back on my weekly posting schedule this week.  Although this is the week of my sister's wedding and I have A LOT going on!!


  1. I don't remember how I found your blog... but, I've been reading it for months now! It has been fun following someone who is almost two weeks ahead of us. I just thought I should make my stalking public now ;)

  2. I'm glad you have been following these posts for a while. I did the same thing during my pregnancy. Now I can barely find the time to open my computer. Reading posts from moms just a few weeks ahead really is helpful. It is especially good to know we are not alone! When I am not on my phone I'm going to totally check out your blog!
