Tuesday, September 18, 2012

10 Weeks Old

This post was drafted and ready to post a week ago, but things got in the way and I just couldn't find the time to get my photos from my camera to my computer.  EEEK!  How will I ever be able to get everything done when I am back at work??

Every day Little Boy is getting better and better.  Last week I even thawed out old breast milk from before I changed my diet and it didn't seem to bother him at all.  Slowly I am adding milk products into my diet.  I had butter on an English muffin at breakfast the other day, a chocolate chip cookie, and a s'more.  He seems to be tolerating the food much better than before.  I'm not ready to add cheese or yogurt yet, but I'll try it soon.

I have been trying to get him to nap in a stationary position-opposed to the swing and I have not been successful yet.  I really want to get him napping in his crib, but he is such a light sleeper during the day that he does not like being still.  Even in the swing he only naps for 45 minutes at best.  However, if I let him sleep on me I can get about 3 hours out of him.  That happened twice this week!   Unfortunately, I can't get anything done when that happens.

This week Mommy and Daddy actually took him out to dinner on our own.  He woke up as soon as we placed him in the booth so I held him for the whole dinner.  He fussed a little, but did't cry!

He had some cool first this week as well.  First on Sunday he went on his first boat ride.  Everyone said he would fall right to sleep.  Not so much, he was awake and fussy almost the whole ride.  Either way, Mommy and Daddy enjoyed being out on the water.

He also got to go to his first Red Sox game.  The car ride in wasn't so fun!  He did well on the highway, but as soon as we got into the city and had to deal with traffic, he screamed.  But he was awesome at dinner and great at the game.  Every now and then someone would scream and startle him, but for the most part he was great.  We left during the 7th inning stretch with the game tied 3-3 and listened to the end on the radio.  Jacoby Ellsbury hit a walk off single to win the game on his birthday!  The Red Sox beat the Yankees and finally won a game.  Maddex is certainly a good luck charm!  His last other first was Mommy and Me yoga.  We both loved it.  I love that I can incorporate playtime with my exercising and I have actually done so a few times since the class.  I also learned some moves to help Maddex with his gas and boy was he ripping them in class!   I love it and can't wait to go back next week!

- The Weekly List -

10 Weeks Old
Total weight gain/loss:
Mom: I am now pretty consistently 10 pounds under and today I was 11 pounds under. I fit into my prepregnancy jeans better than I did before I got pregnant!  Breastfeeding is the best diet ever!

Maddex: He is still about 13 1/2 pounds nearing 14.  He is finally slowing down a little bit.  He is a monster! A very healthy monster, thankfully!

Sleep: He has been waking up a little more at night again, but luckily he still falls right back to sleep.  At the 5 am wake up he wants to be held to sleep.  I can sleep with him in my arms pretty well, but I think I created a monster!  We really want to transition him into his crib beginning in October, but I hate that he is still waking up like 3 times a night.  I am really considering giving him cereal.  Any thoughts on this?  The doctor said to wait until 4 months, but he is so hungry and only wakes up to fill his belly. He doesn't even open his eyes during these night feedings.  

Best moment this week: Seeing a happier baby come out of his shell.  He is really starting to show his personality.  Taking him to his first Red Sox game was also wonderful!

Miss Anything?
I full night of sleep, just going out with my cell phone and keys.  He requires so much stuff!

Looking forward to: Bringing him to his Auntie Corey's bachelorette party this weekend.  

-Seeing my baby smile and laugh.
-Hearing his talking voice
-When he stops crying/whimpering when he sees me coming to get him.  
-That I still have about 3 more months home with him.  He is so much fun! 
-When he talks to his toys or himself in the mirror. 
-Having quiet cuddly time with him and Daddy.  

-Being squeezed close to Mommy
-Bath time
-Kicking in the bath
-His play mats
-Standing up on our laps
-Sticking my tongue out
-Wearing only a diaper
-When Daddy holds me high like Super Baby
-Blankets on my cheek
-Monkey (his favorite toy right now)

-When he cries in public.
-That he only sleeps for about 20 minutes at a time during the day. 

-Getting dressed
-Getting out of the tub. 
-Sleeping somewhere that doesn't rock or vibrate. 

-Brought Maddex into Boston all by myself! 
-Went to a Red Sox game as a family
-Took my son to our first Mommy and Me Yoga class

-Red Sox Game
-Met Mommy's students
-Yoga class (and, boy, did I let out some gas for all the ladies there!)

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