Tuesday, December 13, 2011

H-E-A-R-T-B-E-A-T Spells Relief -Week 11

Today was the day I had been anticipating.  The day when we could finally know for sure that there is a little baby growing inside me.  Let me preface this with how neurotic I have been for the past week and a half.  Ever since my hardcore symptoms seemed to diminish I was faaareaking out that the baby had passed inside me.  I have heard way too many horror stories not to have that in the back (or front) of my mind when I started feeling better before the typical mom-to-be.  Then today…I could not stop thinking about what could potentially happen at this appointment.  Why do I always seem to think the worst?  I hate that I am this way. 

We got to the office early and, as usual, they took me right in.  My protein and glucose tests were negative (yahoo!) and my weight had dropped a bit (yahoo?).  I guess technically it is not a bad thing that I have lost weight.  I have only been able to eat healthy foods. Sweets are just not appealing (umm, yeah, I threw away two Oreo cookies that I stole from the teachers’ room today because I they were just not as appetizing as before.  I guess I only grab sweets out of habit since my old self could never have resisted such chocolate and frosting goodness!).  

Then into the room for the big reveal!  The doc came right in and just asked how I was feeling.  I shared my minor complaints: frequent headaches, dizziness, exhaustion.  She nodded and basically said, “yeah, you’re pregnant get over it!”  (She is like my mom in many ways!).  Then she whipped out her magic wand, rubbed some goo on my belly and began searching for the baby.  Again and again she happened upon my own heartbeat.   Then their it was, lower and further to the right than I had expected…A rapid heartbeat that was almost as loud as my own.  I heard it even before she said, “oooo, there it is.”   I looked over at Kiel and I have never seen such joy and relief in his face.  His eyes were bigger and bluer than ever before, and his smile was literally from ear to ear.  (He would probably have to say the same for me, well except for the blue eyes!).

The relief I was overcome with was like nothing I had experienced before.  I don’t think I even realized how much I had been stressing the whole time.  But now, I feel AMAZING!  I am so elated there is a little life forming inside my growing belly.  I want to share it with the world that I am going to be a mommy!  But I promised myself I would wait just a bit longer.  I want to take a glimpse at my baby before screaming on a mountaintop…or updating my facebook status! 

 - The Weekly List -

How far along? 11 Weeks 1 Day

Total weight gain/loss: So I haven’t gained a pound.  I am down a total of 5 pounds.  Getting a little nervous, but my doctor doesn’t seem to be concerned at all!

Maternity clothes? No, but maybe you can tell from my picture that my 11 week belly is probably tinier than my 10 week belly.  And that, my friends, is what bloating and constipation can do to your “pregnant belly.”  It can be here one day and gone the next!    

Stretch marks? Not even close yet!  

Sleep: Well, I fell asleep in the backseat of my car in a public library parking lot the other day between work and afterschool tutoring.  I know, I have major issues, but I have NEVER been this exhausted before.  Everyone talks about the pregnancy nausea and vomiting.   I never thought my biggest issue would be this ridiculous exhausting.  It is seriously BAD!

Best moment this week: Hearing Baby’s heartbeat for the first time.  Everyone tells you how great it is, but I never expected it to be THIS incredible!

Miss Anything? Pepperoni-only because I have been eating ridiculous amounts of Ritz crackers and they need a little something more!

Movement: Nope

Food cravings: My mom’s meat-stuffed shells, Gus’s creamy Italian dressing, citrus fruits (grapefruit, tangerines)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.  I had to clean a particularly nasty hearing aid today and I almost lost it!

Have you started to show yet: Well, I thought I had last week, and then it kind of went away.  Today I look bigger again, but I’m guessing it is just bloat!

Gender prediction: Boy still 

Labor Signs: Negative!

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: A combination of both.  I am really starting to stress about not being able to get everything done before the holiday. 

Looking forward to: Seeing Baby next week!  Telling my kiddos (students) they will have a new baby brother or sister coming this summer!  They are totally going to freak, especially since my due date is on one of their birthdays!  

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