Tuesday, May 22, 2012

34 Weeks (1 Day)

We are getting closer!  Less than 6 weeks to go now!   Considering all the weight I'm carrying and how huge my belly is, I think I am feeling pretty good for a preggo lady.  I seem to have the typical 3rd trimester ailments and nothing is unbearable at this point.  

Sunday I had my wonderful shower.  It was beyond what I could have ever expected.  I don't want to share too much yet, since I want to dedicate a whole post to the event, but WOW it was absolutely, incredibly perfect!

Last night we had our Newborn Care class and it was fabulous.  I knew about a lot of the stuff, but I didn't know how to do the things; like, how to take care of the umbilical cord, how to sponge bathe, or swaddle a baby.  It was really informative and I am happy to have this new knowledge.  It just makes me sad to think that some women do not have the luxury to go to classes like this and how do they get through the early days with their babies?   I can't imagine just being thrown into motherhood without any training!

Today we went for our 34 week check up.  I am still gaining weight a little too quickly now, but nothing that they are concerned about.  My urine tests came back normal.  I don't understand why earlier in my pregnancy I had both sugar and protein in my urine and now I am experiencing neither. My blood pressure is starting to creep up, but still not too high at 120/80.  My doctor confirmed that  the swelling and pressure I am feeling are perfectly normal for this point in my pregnancy.  When she checked my belly she confirmed what I had believed...baby boy is in position!  His head is down nice and low, with this back up my right side to my rib cage, butt near my left ribs and feet down by his face.  His heart rate is now 130, which is lower than it has been, but that tends to happen as the baby grows.  My fundal height is 35 cm, about a week larger than I should be, but that is pretty much how Little Boy and I have been growing this whole pregnancy.  Everything is looking great!  Let's hope he comes a week early!  

I go back in two weeks, then my appointments will be every week!  Crazy how fast the time is flying now!

-The Weekly List -

How far along? 34 Weeks, 1 Day

Total weight gain/loss: +27 according to the doctor's scale.  I honestly can't believe the number I see when I step on that thing!  I have never ever been even close to this heavy in my life!! 

Maternity clothes? Everyday except I am actually more comfortable in my workout clothes I wore before my pregnancy.  So when I get home I usually change into my running shorts or capris.  I am so happy I can still wear those, as long as I keep the waistband below my belly!

Stretch marks? None, but I have a feeling some will show up after delivery.  Kiel informed me one day last week..."You have the line!"  Yes, I do now have the Linea Negra below my belly button.  I am convinced it appeared once Baby Boy dropped a little lower in my belly.  

Sleep: Luckily, I am still able to sleep well at night.  I only usually get up once to go to the bathroom.  I should probably get up at least one more time, but I hold it!   I am feeling incredibly tired.  I came home after my doctor today and took a two hour nap and I can't wait to crawl back into bed!  

Best moment this week: My ridiculous shower.  I seriously can't believe all they did for me!  I can't wait to share the pictures and a little narrative about the event on here.  I promise I will get to it tomorrow or Thursday!

Miss Anything? Nothing in the food department.  Just the usual, being able to bend over, feel comfortable, roll over, get in and out of bed or my car, walk without a waddle.  

Movement: He moves so much!!  And the movement is so "baby-like" now.  Back at 17 weeks I remember telling people it felt like he was flailing his arms and legs.   Then it transitioned to more synchronized kicks and punches.  Now it seems like he is rolling, and stretching, and carefully moving his arms and legs.  I can almost visualize what he looks like as he makes these incredible movements.  Oh and I just want to note that this kid gets the hiccups like 2-3 times a day!  No lie!  I am afraid he will be plagued by these things his whole life!   And another interesting tidbit...I haven't had the hiccups once this pregnancy.  I have been paying attention since I always wondered how it would feel for the baby if I got them and I never did.  He stole my hiccups from me!

Food cravings: Chocolate and fruit. 

Food aversions: Nothing!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  When I got to bed at night I have been feeling a little nauseous again.  It is nothing serious, just a bit annoying.  

Ailments: Increasing bladder pressure!  I go to the bathroom pretty much every time I stand up now.  Major swelling of my feet and hands.  I also have noticed my left side is slightly more swollen than my right.  Not sure if that means anything...

Have you started to show yet: Yep I am pretty stinking huge!  

Gender prediction: Beautiful baby boy. 

Labor Signs: I have been noticing very random and scattered Braxton Hicks contractions.  Some days I have none, others maybe 3-4 at the most.  And they are nothing serious yet.  I also have lots of pressure and seem to be carrying rather low.  

Belly Button in or out? Out and not very attractive!

Wedding rings on or off? Off and not even close to going back on!  I hope I don't need them resized!  

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and surprisingly, not very moody considering how tired I feel.  I am just so excited!!

Looking forward to: Seeing this little boy!  Holding him in my arms!  Kissing his handsome face!  Starting a family with my husband.  


  1. "he stole my hiccups from me"! gah! so cute!
    you are looking great, manda! sometimes i think about you becoming a mother and my heart just swells. you are already wonderful to him. i can't wait to meet baby boy! :) *lcd
    p.s. i saw your mom yesterday and i told her that i am going to have a bag packed in my car for the trip to the hospital! LOL! just like having a hospital bag ready...i'll have one w/ my middle of the night essentials! ;)

  2. Hiccup stealing must be an HMS baby thing! I used to get the worst hiccups and then when I became pregnant they went away. Later in the pregnancy Oliver started having hiccups on a fairly regular basis. He still gets them now. Jeremy even has a video of Oliver getting them in the hospital... cute, but stressful for the new parents.
