Saturday, May 5, 2012

All About Mom and Dad...

Some info to share with Little Boy about his Mama and Daddy.  

What are your middle names?
 Acimo and Michael

How long have you been together?
9 years and 8 months!  It will be 10 years at the end of the summer.  Crazy to think that 1/3 of our lives have been spent together!

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
About three months.  We met after I transferred to his grocery store after our freshman year of college.

Who asked whom out?
He called to ask me out!

How old are each of you?
29- I love the months when we are the same age!

Whose siblings do you see the most?
We see all the siblings pretty equally.  I love that my brother has now transferred back to CT for college so we will be seeing a whole lot more of him!

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
The way I get when I am tired.  I really can't think of difficult situations...

Are you from the same home town?

Nope but we spent most of our childhoods' only 15 minutes away from each other.

Who is smarter?

Definitely depends on what you are talking about.  I am book smart, but he is people/street smart.  It is a good balance!

Who is the most sensitive?

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We don't go out a lot since we are always trying to save money for something, but when we do we tend to go to Olive Garden.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

Greece/Turkey for our honeymoon!

Who has the craziest exes?
Neither of us are in contact with exes so we don't have to deal with that.  He probably has crazier ones though just cuz I don't have very many!

Who has the worst temper?
He does. But I do have one myself!

Who does the cooking?
We share this responsibility.  Pretty much whoever comes home first starts dinner.

Who is the neat-freak?
He is.  We both hate how messy I can be!

Who is more stubborn?
I am, but being stubborn can be a good thing!  I don't give up until I get what I want, but he probably sees it as I don't shut up until he says I'm right!

Who hogs the bed?
He says I do!  But he hogs the blankets!

Who wakes up earlier?
Me for work, but on the weekends he is up before me.

Where was your first date?

Providence Place Mall for a movie.

Who is more jealous?

We are equally (not) jealous.  I think we both had jealous tendencies at the beginning since we were so young, but now jealousy is not an issue!

How long did it take to get serious?
Just a few days.  I think we both had a feeling even though we were so young.

Who eats more?
Depends on the day.  He can pack down more at a buffet, but I am an all day snacker!

Who does the laundry?
We share this too.  He has to bring it up and down the stairs though!

Who's better with the computer?
Me, but he has all other forms of technology on me (phones, TV, etc)

Who drives when you are together?
He almost always drives.   

1 comment:

  1. I stole it from Lauren, so of course you could steal it from me :) Gotta love blogging :)
