Monday, June 11, 2012

37 Weeks

We are now officially FULL TERM!  That means if Baby Boy decides to come now all should (and will) be good for the both of us!

Being this pregnant is not easy.  I never thought I would feel so exhausted at this point.  It is seriously worse than the first trimester sleepiness.  Everything I do takes so much effort!  This afternoon my ankles were so swollen I couldn't even bend them to walk.  So on top of my pregnancy waddle I have this weird Nazi soldier leg kick thing going on when I walk.  It is not pretty!  Right now my feet are soaking in a warm tub.  I tried an ice water tub, but it was way too painful.  The warm water feels okay, but I don't think it is doing much to help the swelling.  I haven't eaten my pineapple in two days because we ran out and I didn't feel like cutting it or making Kiel cut it after we went out and bought it.  Tonight I will have to cut and eat it!  I don't know if the increase in swelling is due to the lack of pineapple and honey in my diet or the increase in temperature up here.   Either way, I know I am feeling quite uncomfortable.

I told Kiel tonight over dinner, that if it weren't for the end of school being next week, today would have been my last day of work.  Everything is just becoming so difficult, but especially the commute.  It is a struggle to stay awake in the morning and the afternoon.  But I am determined to make it until the last day as long as Baby Boy cooperates.  I already requested a personal day for Wednesday, just because I know I will not be able to make it through the whole week without a day to rest.  So I have to get through tomorrow, Thursday and Friday.  Then we have a three day weekend-no school on Monday for Bunker Hill Day (thanks Boston for the wasted day off the last week of school), a full day Tuesday and half days Wednesday and Thursday.  Then I will be off for FIVE MONTHS!   Words cannot express how excited I am to spend five months of quality time with my baby boy.  I feel so fortunate to be able to get so much quality time at home with my new family!

-The Weekly List -

How far along? 37 Weeks 

Total weight gain/loss: +35ish pounds (I'll have an official weigh-in tomorrow).  My books and internet resources say that weight gain should stop around now, but the fact that my feet and ankles continue to expand, I know I am packing on the pounds in those areas.  At one point today I looked down and my ankles were bigger than my calf.  On another weight gain topic, while taking down pictures we took on the first day of school my students repeatedly said how beautiful and skinny I looked in September and then proceeded to say that they hope I become skinny again. Really?  Carrying a baby is not beautiful??  I guess not to 9 and 10 year olds!

Maternity clothes? Yes, my students told me that my shirts are too short, basically because they could see my elastic waistband on my capris today.  I refuse to do any more fat clothes shopping!

Stretch marks? Still none, but my body looks so foreign to me right now!

Sleep: Not sleeping very well and I really would love to be able to nap every day.  I think for the rest of the school year I will be able to take a nap everyday except for next Saturday, but that should be fine since I will have Sunday and Monday to recover from all the parties we have to go to on that day! 

Best moment this week: Finding out that Baby Boy will have a little boy cousin who will be just 4 months younger than him!  Playing with Baby Boy's foot while inside my belly.  He was super interactive on Saturday night.  His foot was sticking out all over my belly and when we would touch it he would move it to another place. This lasted for a good 5-10 minutes!  We had so much fun!  

Random....after our "tickle session" I had a very vivid dream that we were doing the same thing, but Kiel noticed if we shined a bright light on my belly that we could see him through my skin.  When we saw him we were shocked to see how adorable he was and I wanted him out right then.  Somehow he came out of me without actually going into labor and we started playing with the most beautiful baby I had ever seen.  Then I began to freak out about my doctor getting mad at me for taking the baby out of my womb just to play so I told Kiel we had to get him back in.  That is when the baby made a face and I said, "Uh-oh."  Kiel, the typical new dad, said, "What?"  I responded with, "I think he pooped!"  Sure enough Kiel checked and there was the dreaded black poop!  I said, "well I guess we better call the doctor cuz he is not going back in there after he pooped."  

Like I was very random!  Where does my brain come up with this stuff?!?

Miss Anything? Just being comfortable still!  The simplest things are so difficult, like eating at a table, getting up from a chair (or toilet), getting dressed, getting into my car.  Really the list could go on and on!

Movement: He is still moving a lot despite what all the websites say about him slowing down.  I swear when I think it has been a while since I last felt him move, within a minute he is squirming or stretching.  He knows how to make his mama happy!

Food cravings: Haven't noticed any cravings or any food I repeatedly ate this week.  I just try to keep my bell full!

Food aversions: Nothing!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  I have been feeling a little off the past few days, but I can't really place the feeling.  Maybe I am just having more contractions.  

Ailments: Swelling and pelvic pressure are the main things right now.  

Have you started to show yet: Yep and all the random people out at stores have to comment on my belly.  Yes, I am very pregnant.  I don't need you to remind me!

Gender prediction: Beautiful baby boy. 

Labor Signs: I did have two strong contractions yesterday one and half hours apart, but that was it.  I will find out more tomorrow when I go see the midwife.  

Belly Button in or out? Out and gross.  

Wedding rings on or off? Off, and we might be making a trip to the jewelers later this summer to have them resized...

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still very happy, but on my drive home today I just wanted to cry for no reason.  I just felt so tired and if crying didn't expend so much energy I probably would have cried my whole way home!   I hate feeling this tired! 

Looking forward to: Everything surrounding this little boy.  Words cannot even express how excited I am to meet him and become a mom! 

1 comment:

  1. Nap!!!!!!!! It's the doctor's orders! [or at least the orders of the mama of a 6 week old.] Nap. Nap. Nap. :)

    You're almost there :)
