Sunday, June 3, 2012

Showering Baby S with Love

On May 20, 2012 my mom, mother-in-law, sister, and best friend planned the most amazing baby shower for me and Baby Boy.  Everything but the date and time was a surprise, and they did everything exactly as I would have planned it.

The location was perfect: Riverview Restaurant in my hometown in CT.  It is a little Greek family owned restaurant that I worked at while in college.  No other restaurant compares to their food.  Kiel sometimes gets annoyed since I compare all restaurants to Riverview and nothing ever comes close!

When I arrived (blindfolded) I was completely overwhelmed by all the people and gifts that took up the "Fireside Room."  It was a lot to take in, but I think I handled it relatively well.  As I said some quick "hellos" the guests were put to work creating special keepsakes for Baby Boy.  Guests were asked to create "wishes" for him-this was something I had specifically asked for since I saw Wish Cards for babies on pinterest.  The other project was something I had never heard of....Lauren collected 35 cards (one for each guest) and each card had a number on it.  That number represented the birthday each guest was to write a birthday card for.  I cannot wait to share one card each year with Baby Boy.  I hope he is as excited to read these cards as I am!

We tried to break up the long, tedious, and somewhat boring opening of presents traditions by having lunch served, games to play (The Price is Right: Baby Edition and How Big is Amanda's Belly), and cake served.

Another wonderful idea they had was to have guests buy a book and write a message to Baby Boy instead of a card.  I love this, especially since I love books so much.  I can't wait for him to see and read the little messages all of Mommy's friends and family wrote to him before he was born!

All in all the event was better than I could have expected!  I am so grateful for all my friends and family did for us.

And now what everyone wants to see....Some pictures!

How perfect is this cake??  I have always loved elephants so my mom had the idea to go with an elephant and peanut theme for the shower. 

On the left is the wish card for Baby Boy.  Center is the menu. And on the right is a favor that says "Thank you for showering out little peanut" with circus peanuts.  
**Remember those were my Papou's favorite!**

Aunt Peggy won this.  

I also made some favors-Chocolate covered Oreos!


The proud Gradmas

Christina came!

Lauren did so much for this shower!!

My belly covers half of my sister!

With my mama, who worked her butt off to get this thing together!


  1. Love the pics Amanda! You look fantastic and not too much more to go! I love the books and irthday cards! How cute and what great memories!


  2. it was a wonderful day! a room full of love for you, kiel, & baby s! :) *lcd

  3. As you will soon find out, as a Mom, you want to do whatever you can to make your children happy. I am glad that this special day was everything you wished it would be. xoM
