Monday, March 19, 2012

25 Weeks

Okay, I don't know if it is just me, but I seem to be getting very big, very fast.  It is starting to freak me out since I just read that you can have gestational diabetes and have no symptoms.  I really hope this is not the case for me, but it could explain this rapid growth.  

So this week we have been able to feel little boy moving a lot more.  He also more consistently reacts to  voices; mine and Kiel's in particular.   Especially in the morning, I have noticed no movement and then we start talking and. . . . wiggle wiggle wiggle, there he is!  For a while I was thinking he had a high frequency hearing loss since he only responded to bass in music and Kiel's voice.  But now, I can tell he hears my voice, which is not deep at all!  

On Friday night I may have had my first experience with Braxton Hicks contractions.  I was so uncomfortable, and couldn't put my finger on what I was feeling.  After explaining it to my mom, she seemed pretty convinced I was experiencing these "practice contractions."  Again, I was freaking out because I thought I would feel like this for the next 15 weeks.  Well, lucky for me by Sunday I was feeling perfectly normal!   And today (Monday) I felt great, except for the heartburn I sometimes feel when I sit.  Luckily, that seems to subside a bit if I stand up. 

-The Weekly List -

How far along? 25 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Okay, so I'm up about 14 pounds.  Again, I'm freaking since I'm gaining weight way too fast.  I have been eating more, but not more junk, just more fruits and veggies.  

Maternity clothes? Yep, and I've been stealing Kiel's cloths too!

Stretch marks? Nothing yet, and I'm still using my cocoa butter.  Let's see if I can avoid the genetics!

Sleep: His movements kept me up for the first time on Saturday night.  Overall, I've been sleeping okay, but I'm already not very comfortable.  I can only imagine how bad it is going to get!

Best moment this week: Not baby related-Seeing my bro for the first time in 2 months, watching his first college home run, and having him rub my belly!  He was shocked to see how big I have gotten.  

Miss Anything? Not really. 

Movement: Yep, all the time.  However, he does not move when I put my hand on my belly.  Oh and the other day I was using my belly as a book holder and he kept kicking it.  That was fun!

Food cravings: Fruits, veggies, and I'm losing my craving for Oreo actually, but not for cookies and cream ice cream!

Food aversions: Nothing!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Raw meat at the hibachi dinner the other night.  Blah!

Ailments: Heartburn (but less severe), possible Braxton Hicks contractions.   

Have you started to show yet: Yep!

Gender prediction: Boy! Oh, Boy!

Labor Signs: No, but my body might be getting ready!  Kiel and I are both convinced I won't make it to July 2nd, but hopefully we can wait until at least mid June!

Belly Button in or out? In, and I'm predicting it will be out by 27 weeks :(

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and getting really exciting for all that is to come!

Looking forward to: Getting baby boy's room going (that probably won't happen till close to April Vacation), seeing and holding baby boy, possibly finalizing the name in the near future too (but it will still be a secret for the rest of you!) 

1 comment:

  1. Remember when we saw your cousin's photo (who shall remain nameless) from I think 24 weeks to 26 weeks and you thought there was a big difference in her belly size....I think the same has happened to you. He's just have a growth spurt :) xoM
