Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I failed...

Not used to the whole failing thing, but I had a feeling all along that I was going to be hit with gestational diabetes.  I only failed the glucose screening as of right now.  But I have to eat a special diet on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and go for my 3 hour glucose tolerance test on Monday.  Oh joy!

I also found out that I am now anemic too!  Sheesh!  So in addition to my prenatals I now have to take an iron supplement with vitamin C too.

How can all this be wrong with me when I feel fine???

I hope little boy isn't feeling the effects of too much sugar and not enough iron!!


  1. It must be the teacher in us, because I was quite upset too about "failing" the one hour.:( I did pass the 3 hour, even though, I was pretty convinced I wouldn't. Keep thinking positive thoughts. :) And I'm on the iron pills, too. I was very anemic when they checked, but the iron pills have helped with my energy level a lot. Sending lots of love your way! ~Sarah

  2. I've been on extra iron, too. A lot of women have iron deficiency during pregnancy... don't feel bad. And a lot of women experience gestational diabetes, as well. If nothing else, remember that it was good to be alerted to these things because that means you can take care of your body and your baby for the rest of your pregnancy the way that they need it! Keep your head up!!! :)
