Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

Here is this week's installment of Ten on Tuesday provided by Chelsea at roots and rings

1. How do you feel about April Fool’s Day?
I loved that April Fool's Day was on the weekend this year.  My students think it is funny to point at something and make me look only to say April Fool's.  I did not experience one April Fool's Day joke at school yesterday!  That was awesome.  So as you can probably guess, I'm not a fan of stupid jokes.  

Oh and what was up with all the fake pregnancy tests and sonogram pictures on facebook on Sunday?

2. Do you like birds?
I HATE birds.  My friend, Sammy, had a bird when we were young and it would attack my mouth since I had braces.  Ever since then I have HATED birds!

3. How often do you wear your hair in a ponytail?
Not very often, but in the summer it always ends up in a ponytail.  I hate feeling hot and sticky.  

4. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yeah.  It is complicated, but yeah. 

5. What is your favorite appetizer?
Cheesy fries with bacon!

6. What is your favorite brand of heels?
Whatever feels comfortable.  I am not a shoe girl!

7. Are you a picky eater?
I don't think so, but everyone else says I am! I just like what I like!

8. Is there a tv show you like that nobody ever talks about?
Impractical Jokers!  I flipping love that show.  I laugh till I snort watching it.  I highly recommend it.  It is on Tru TV and everyone should watch it, but just remember to go pee before you turn it on!

9. Do you prefer hot tea or cold tea?
Ice tea unsweetened with lemon! Lots of lemon!

10. Gayle or Peeta? (If you don’t know how to answer, read The Hunger Games.)
I am still at the beginning of book 3, but I am a Peeta girl at this point.  Not sure if it will change during this book.  I'll keep you posted!


  1. thankfully, i did not see any fake sonograms/tests on fb! i HATE that b/c i get all super excited...for nothing! :(
    see ya tonight! *lcd

  2. Replies
    1. Not sure why it came up as unknown, but I think I fixed it.

  3. Everyone loves Peeta! Is there anyone out there on Team Gayle?
