Wednesday, February 22, 2012

21 Weeks

More than halfway there and feeling pretty darn good.  Oh, and my apologies for the outfit above, I wore that all day and did not feel like changing into my other yoga pants or tee shirt that I had been wearing, but you can still see that big ole bump growing.

So I still have not had that whole energy surge, but I am able to function on less sleep than earlier in my pregnancy.  Maybe that is what they mean when they say you have more energy.  Instead of needing 10 hours of sleep a day you only need 8.

The baby can now taste the amniotic fluid.  So he can acquire tastes for foods I am eating.  This could be a good thing or a very bad thing.  I hope he doesn't come out of the womb requesting an oreo!

We started the whole registry thing this week and I am not a huge fan of that process.  I have been big on checking safety and consumer review, but it is impossible to find any product that has 100% great reviews.  I just have to try my best to find the best and safest product for the baby, knowing that nothing is perfect.

We also ordered the crib and mattress and both came in just a few days later.  That was exciting, but the crib is still unassembled in the box in the garage, and the mattress is in the new guest room.

We discussed how we want to paint the baby's room.  We think it will look super cool and fun! Again, I'm keeping that a secret for now, because I don't want to hear others' opinions on that either!

-The Weekly List -

How far along? 21 Weeks 2 day

Total weight gain/loss: When I wake up in the morning I weigh the same as I did before pregnancy, but after dinner I'm about 2-3 pounds heavier.    

Maternity clothes? Yes, although the outfit above is not maternity and it still works.  I look fat, not pregnant though! 

Stretch marks? Nope still using the cocoa butter and the skin on my stomach still feels pretty stretchy. 

Sleep: Getting more sleep this week since I am on vacation.  Feeling pretty good, but I wake up and eat weird stuff.  For example: Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches and fresh strawberries. 

Best moment this week: Getting the crib in. Finding bedding that I actually like, feeling him more and more. Oh and Kiel felt him move right after I posted my blog update last week.  He was moving like never before and he got to feel one strong kick.  

Miss Anything? Still deli meat and that's it!

Movement: Yep, I feel him in the morning and at night while I am in bed.  He also moves around a lot after I eat.  

Food cravings: The good:  fruit and salad.  The bad: oreos, ice cream, and twizzlers. 

Food aversions: Nothing. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still no, Thank Goodness!

Ailments: The round ligament stretching pain is easing up a bit.  I am starting to have that awkward, pregnant stomach out in the air, arched back, I can't get off the couch thing going on.  

Have you started to show yet: Yep, but I think I look more fat than pregnant. 

Gender prediction: Boy!

Labor Signs: NO

Belly Button in or out? In still and the soreness I think I was feeling before is actually from scar tissue from when I had my belly button pierced.  Stupid teenage decision.  

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happier than last week. 

Looking forward to: Feeling more movement, getting the ball rolling with the room.  I have some major projects to work on there!

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel, but you do not look fat! You look pregnant. You are all belly and thin everywhere else. ~Sarah
