Friday, February 24, 2012

X- X Names

Okay so here is some more info on the big name game. . .

I love the letter X.

I love the way it looks X.

I love the way its sounds in the middle or end of words [ks].

I just love X.

I have wanted to have the letter X in my child's name for a while now, but near the beginning of my pregnancy my mom said that she knew someone who used the letters in her husband's name and her own name to create their baby's name.

I loved that idea.

Only problem . . . No X in Amanda or Kiel.  Bummer!

So on our list of about 10 names we have some that are strictly a combo of our two names, some that have my letter X, and some that are a combo of our names but with, what I call, the X factor.

Who knows which one we will pick?  We still have plenty of time to scratch each of those names off the list and add ten more.  I refuse to let myself stress out when we still have 129 days until baby boy is "scheduled" to come!

1 comment:

  1. Did you know Sara Liebel was Baby Liebel for the first month because they couldn't pick a name? Lol
