Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week 19

This has been the best week of the entire pregnancy.  We learned that we are having a baby boy.  We got to see baby boy looking super cute and comfy on Thursday at our ultrasound.  I am feeling baby boy moving more and more.  We had a wonderful party with our family and friends to find out the gender of baby boy.  I have been feeling a whole lot better.  All food is yummy again.  I have been in a pretty good mood.  No complaints here!

At the ultrasound on Thursday we found out our little boy is growing a little faster than expected.  I had a feeling this would happen.  My mom had three big babies.  My sister and I were both 8 1/2 pounds and my brother was 9 pounds.  Hopefully this just means I will be a few days early, just not before June 21st (the last day of school if this winter continues to cooperate and we don't have any snow days!).  We haven't heard any news from the doctor regarding the ultrasound so hopefully no news is good news.  I'll be going for my 5 month check up on Monday so we will hear any information at that time.  I hope everything is okay, but if it is, that means that last Thursday was the last peek we will have of our baby boy until he makes his grand appearance.

Regarding the bump-there is no denying I'm preggo now.  Today at work, one lady said, "Oh my God you are HUGE!  And you still have a while to go.  Where is the baby going to go?"   Really?  Yeah, I do feel huge, but I don't think I'm that big yet.

Funny story from school....Yesterday after revealing to the anxious students the gender of the baby, one little girl asks, "Is Amanda having a black baby boy or a white baby boy?"  Apparently she doesn't know where babies come from and thinks that some people have black babies and others have white babies.  We left that topic alone for the time being!

-The Weekly List -

How far along? 19 Weeks 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: Ate like a heifer this week and somehow did't gain a pound.  Still -2 on the scale.  Next week might be my first week above my pre-pregnancy weight! 

Maternity clothes? I packed up all my regular clothes last week after I got my huge donation, so pretty much only maternity clothes.   

Stretch marks? Not yet.  But still using my cocoa butter.   

Sleep: Still tired, but not as bad as before.  Waking up more to go pee, but luckily I fall right back to sleep!    

Best moment this week: This was a great week.  I loved seeing the baby boy on the monitor.  But the best probably was opening the box at the gender reveal.  I loved having my family and friends there to witness the wonderful occasion.  That will have to be in the top five best moments of my life!     

Miss Anything? Still deli meat.  I hated seeing those stupid subs at my house this weekend.   

Movement: Yes, quite often.  I had a coffee coolata today and he was twisting and turning.  It was pretty cool!

Food cravings: Fruit and oreos. 

Food aversions: Nothing, everything tastes wonderful!  Except I still can't bring myself to eat a Reese's. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still no, Thank Goodness!

Ailments: Just nasal congestion, and lots of trips to the bathroom.    

Have you started to show yet: Yeah, it actually gets in the way.  I don't realize that I can't fit through certain areas any more.  And I almost knocked someone's drink off the table with my belly.  It seems to have popped out over night!

Gender prediction: No more predicting. It's a BOY!

Labor Signs: NO

Belly Button in or out? In, but feeling super sensitive. 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy week!

Looking forward to: Planning his room, registering, hearing his heartbeat on Monday, seeing his face in 5 months.  Life is good!


1 comment:

  1. hi manda! are you having a black or white baby?! hahaha! OMG. so cute, but so sad. someone needs to have 'the talk' w/ those kids asap!! :) *
